08 - El Incidente

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"I always find you here huh?" Hugo said from below.

I was situated at the mango trees, laying down on one of the thick branches, and once more it was Hugo who found me.

Guess who's getting best brother award this year. 

"Whatever," I muttered.

Hugo skillfully climbed up the tree and sat at another branch. "What happened back there anyway, I've never heard you have that outburst before," He spoke softly.

I sighed, "I don't want to talk about it."

"Alright," Hugo hummed, "But we have to get going, the party's about to start."

I groaned but complied anyway, following Hugo down the tree and back home. Mariposa was nowhere to be found and I wasn't greeted by another lecture or nag so that was great. 

After getting dressed, wearing the skirt that Mirabel had made for me (she finished it a few days ago), I was ready to go. 

When I stepped out the door, I was greeted by Esperanza holding out a pretty green sash. 

"Do you mind if I put it on you?" she asked, I only nodded. 

While she was busy putting on the sash around my dress, Esperanza sighed, "I know it was Mari's fault, but I'm so sorry she did that to you, N/n."

I looked up to face her through the mirror, her eyes reflect her guilt that I couldn't just ignore it. 

"It's not your fault, Espie," I whispered, I saw Esperanza smile before softly patting my head.

"Still, it wasn't right for her to do that to you. If does it again, don't hesitate to tell me okay?" She said, crouching slightly to face me in the eyes. 

I nodded, a sense of comfort washing over me. I guess, at least Esperanza is here.

"Alright, let's go party now, shall we?" She held out an arm and we marched out of my room arms locked. 

On the way to Casita, the road was packed with guests going over to celebrate the newest Madrigal, Antonio's, 3rd birthday. I'm not exactly excited at the idea of celebrating a Madrigal's  birthday but I also promised Mirabel I would come so I basically had to. 

When we entered the house, I was pulled aside by Leo. 


Leo looked at me sternly, "Promise me you'll behave. Just this once."

I rolled my eyes, "Yes, I promise. I don't even want to be here."  I answered, whispering the latter. Leo seemed to be satisfied with my answer and let me go, walking into the crowd to interact with people I guess. 

The bright lights from the ceiling and the loud music, I admit, made me dizzy. I was only here for the food, really.

I walked around, tailing Diago around as he was busy talking with the other people.

Eventually, he noticed what I was doing.

"You're surprisingly quiet today, what's up?" Diago asked, pulling me to a quieter corner which immediately put me to ease.

I shrugged and scratched my elbow, "Leo told me to keep low tonight." I simply explained, Diago chuckled before ruffling my hair and holding me by the shoulders.

"Alright then, I guess I'm your babysitter for tonight." He teased, I punched him in the stomach, earning a low groan from him.

"I'm not a baby anymore but thanks." I said sticking to his side while I waited for the food to come out.

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