04 - el estupida

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"You saw it too, right, Nina?" Jaime asked as he shook his sister's shoulder, "She just appeared out of nowhere!"

The panic begin to bring me back to reality when I locked eyes with the Lacuerte twins, both taken aback, and if I looked closely, I could see the fear. 

That was I finally realized what my father meant. 

"Jaime, calm down, you're scaring her," Eleana suddenly said, Jaime turned to her in disbelief.

"I'm scaring her? She's the one freaking me out here!" 

Eleana seemed to ignore Jaime's words when she slowly approached me with a soft smile, "Are you okay, N/n?" 

She held out a hand, I stared at it in contemplation. Eleana was always the nicer one and she was good friends with Diago no less, so my mind was quick to trust her. 

I took her outstretched hand, helping me up, and then leading me to the dining table. Jaime staring at me as if I was a freak from the circus. 

Only then did I fully understand why Papa was adamant on keeping our gifts secret. 

Suddenly, Eleana spoke, "Y/n, Niña, what's wrong? You just appeared out of nowhere-"

"Like a damn ghost," Jaime added.

"Jaime." Eleana bellowed, "Let me speak."

She turned back to me and looked at me straight in the eye, "Is there something you are hiding, Y/n?"

But before I could answer there was a knock on the door, Leo and Diago's voice resounding from the outside, "Jaime, Eleana? Is Y/n there by any chance?"

I felt my entire body shake, the fear beginning to engulf me knowing that I would have to tell them the truth. That I was, in fact, in trouble.

Jaime grinned before letting my older brothers in, seemingly eager to tell me what I had done but I could see Eleana already glaring his way as if warning him to keep his mouth shut. 

Leo saw me, his eyes darting to my hands clutching the other tight and his brows furrowed together. I followed his gaze and saw that my hands were phasing in and out of visibility.

Diago saw it too, his eyes quickly darting towards Eleana and Jaime cautiously, "Nina, we can explain," he said with panic in his voice.

Eleana only gave him a soft smile, "Don't worry, Diago. It's weird, yes, but we live in a town where the Madrigals exist, I would be an idiot to not consider that fact that there are more." Eleana calmly explained. 

Her tone and the way she looked relaxed gave me relief but when I faced Leo, I knew I wasn't completely off the hook. 

"Come sit with us, and you can explain all of it." 

There was quite a long pause between the four of them before Diago could even speak up, "So I guess, you're cool with Y/n and her gift?" He asked. 

Eleana nodded. 

"So, if I told you that we all had gifts, what would you say?"

Eleana and Jaime's eyes widened, Jaime was in deep shock he had to take a seat. He rested his head on his folded hands trying to process what Diago just said. I couldn't quite understand why they reacted the way they did, seeing as we just confirmed that I had powers, it would only make sense that my siblings would have their own, right?

"So," Jaime began, "You two also have gifts."

Leo and Diago nodded.

"The entire family does," Leo added. 

Eleana hummed, "What are your gifts?" She leaned forward slightly, from the looks of it we have passed the awkwardness and back to treating each other as good friends. 

"Mines fire, Leo's... " Diago trailed off. 

"It's fog and wind, stupid," Leo teased, smacking Diago lightly at the back of his head, his uptight posture gone and there was a slight smile on his lips. 

"How 'bout Hugo, does he have one too," Jaime asked, no longer looking on edge.

"The little guy can make his fingers spark," Diago mocked, a chuckle leaving his lips, "It's adorable, really."

Jaime laughed along with him, Eleana and Leo rolling their eyes as they continued to tease and mock Hugo behind his back.

I am definitely telling him later. 

"Eleana, I'm glad you don't mind this but I'll have to ask you two to keep this a secret, we promised Papa we wouldn't exactly tell anyone about our secret." Leo then glared my way. 

"Don't worry, Leo, our lips are sealed," Jaime reassured, wrapping an arm around Leo's shoulder. 

"Great, well Y/n and I will be on our way, I'm sure Diago wants to stay some more," Leo hastily stood up and grabbed my arm. 

I couldn't stop the frown from forming on my lips when we stepped out of the Lasuerte residence but it became even worse when Leo remained silent until we reached the house. 

As soon as we were far from the Lasuerte's house, Leo pinched my side.


Leo stepped in front of me with an angry face, "Seriously? How many times do we have to tell you to stop pranking our neighbors? How many till it gets in that thick skull of yours," He said, flicking my forehead as he said skull.

I rolled my eyes, almost tempted to chuckle at his irritation but I knew better than do that.

"Please, you saw how Eleana reacted. Why bother hiding it- Ow!" Leo pinched my side again.

"And what? wait till they get sick of your tricks and turn on us?" He sighed, looking up to the sky as if he was trying to contain his anger.

My heart began to sink as I saw it was more than irritation he was feeling this time.

Leo looked back at me, "Our gifts are to be hidden, remember? Do you think they'll accept us for what we actually are?"

I rubbed my arm, a mixture of emotions now bubbling inside of me. "They love the Madrigals, it's so unfair that we have to hide it and they don't." I remarked, looking down to the stone road.

I heard Leo sighed and soon I felt a hand rest on my head, making me look up. I met Leo's hazel eyes, both filled with understanding that it gave me comfort.

"I know, but their gifts are different from our gifts. It's too risky for all of us if we reveal our secret." He ruffled my hair and laid a hand on my shoulder.

"Do the family a favor, Y/n, and tone it down from now on, alright?" He said, his voice was now softer and quieter than earlier, his eyes had a hint of exhaustion and gloom that I couldn't bring myself to say anything else but yes.

"But, why? I'm not doing anything wrong."

"Y/n, please, Stop being such a stupid little girl!"

"Well... YOU'RE WRONG!" I yelled before phasing through the door and out to the forest, I ignored Leo's frustrated calls and kept running for the trees. 

I was certainly acting like an immature child but could you even blame me for acting this way. 

Listening to Leo yell at me, look at me with disappointment was painful, he was the brother I looked up to the most and to see him act like Papa in anger doubled the pain. 

It was child like, I know, but I didn't care. 

All I knew I was growing more stubborn as I stayed atop the trees, my mind once more was clouded with anger and despite the pain from Leo's words, or the overwhelming situation I've wrapped myself into, I somehow wasn't willing to sit down and be a good girl. 

Because I was never a good girl to begin with, right? 

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