03 - aquí viene el alborotador

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Ever since the Madrigals visit, I couldn't remove the boiling anger in my heart. I couldn't make myself forget or even forgive the fault that the town of Encanto had made on my family. How could a town with magical residents resent a family who has the same gifts. I just couldn't make sense of it. The stories Papa told me, which he clearly sugar coated, still horrified me on how a town could be so prejudiced.

I tried to convince myself that no one alive was at fault, they were merely the forbearers of their ancestors prejudice.

But no matter how much I tried to tell myself that this is what my life is now reduced to, hiding a gift destined to be showed, I still felt the jealousy whenever I saw the Madrigals, whenever I saw Camillo receive praise in the plaza. Why couldn't I receive that same praise, why can't I be proud of my gift? 

My young child heart was unable to maturely accept my situation and so ever since then, after 3 years have passed, I have been going around town using my gift to conduct my small scale revenge. You know just a few pranks here and there.

And for the longest time I thought I would get away with it.

But my actions didn't go unnoticed.

Today, It was the weekly cleaning day, where everyone in Encanto is out and about cleaning every single thing they could see. My family and I already cleaned the house yesterday and so Mama was quick to volunteer on cleaning the plaza.

Because of course Mama wanted to make our family look as selfless and perfect as possible. 

So here I was, dragging a cart full of brooms, cloths, and snacks for us to munch. The latter was what I'm most excited about. Mama made more patatas bravas.

What I dreaded, however, was that the Madrigals was also going to be cleaning the plaza. Which meant I will have to force myself to act all friendly. I didn't really want to hear another lecture from Mama. 

Speaking of which, Mama was now walking beside me, holding up a basket full of cleaning supplies. 

"Remember, Y/n, smile," she reminded me, whispering through her own friendly smile, "I don't want any trouble from any of you, okay?"

My brothers and I merely nodded. 

When we arrived at the plaza, the Madrigals were already busy cleaning, Louisa was lifting heavy boulders and houses out of the way, Isabella was bringing life to the plants around her, and Tia Pepa was watering the plants on the other side.

Meanwhile, my papa was straining his back trying to lift heavy crates. My older brother Leo was sweeping floors, and Tio Fabio was helping with the crops. 

Even though we all knew Papa could easily levitate those crates, Leo could effortlessly gather the dust and throw it out with a flick of a wrist, and Tio Fabio could manipulate time to make this whole ordeal far quicker than it needs to be. 

Yet we're stuck pretending like we are like everyone else; giftless.

I set down the cart and grabbed a broom and began sweeping the floor aggressively, trying my best to get rid of the rising anger.

But I guess I'm not allowed to have that liberty.

"Y/n!" Camillo called from the other side of the plaza, I winced hearing my name said by the familiar voice.

I straightened up and faced Camillo with a smile, "Ey! Chameleon, Hi!"

Camillo walked over to me, well, skipped. He gave me a wide smile that only made me guilty that was feeling horrible things about him. I tried to give him the same smile but I guess it didn't come out the way I wanted to because Camillo burst out laughing.

"Are you okay, N/n?" he let out another chuckle, "You look constipated."

"I'm fine," I said, hoping that sounded normal enough. Camillo seemed to take it and began to sweep beside me, talking about having a new sibling in the house.

"I mean, I don't really mind having Antonio around, he's sweet and adorable. But why do babies always cry in the middle of the night? It's as if they don't get tired and when they do they cry?" he rambled but I could barely listen when I was staring Luisa carrying a literal house and the surrounding citizens applauding her.

There it was. The familiar boiling feeling in my chest. It was beginning to nauseate me.

Camillo seemed to catch on to my silence when he stopped talking about Antonio and looked over to Luisa.

"Sometimes I wish I had a gift like Luisa's."

I turned to Camillo in surprise, who in the right mind would wish for someone else's gift. Especially when he already has a well praised gift for himself. It was difficult to register what Camillo had just muttered to himself. My ears began to feel warm, the boiling feeling in my chest have already risen to my brain and there was the overwhelming feeling of anger.

Too much for my little self could bear.

So I ran, away from Camillo and away from the plaza. My mind still clouded by the strangely loud buzz of anger, my ears mildly ringing that I was unable to hear Camillo calling out to me.

Why should he call out to me as if we were close friends, I told myself, Why should I treat him with kindness. When everyone else isn't treating me the same way.

Of course, that wasn't true, Taverde family was very much accepted in Encanto but my young self was too frustrated to take that into consideration.

I kept running and running until I reached the vineyards my family owns, dodging dangling vines and protruding grapes wrapped around the wooden fences we have made. I continued to run until I reached where the vineyard ends and the field of mango trees began, running to the nearest tree and skillfully climbing to the top.

And before I knew it, I felt the warm tears cascade my cheeks, the anger had died down but it was replaced with yet another overwhelming emotion. A plethora of unanswerable questions began to fill my head as the view in front of me became less and less clear.

"Why?" I whispered to myself, it was the only thing I could express amidst all the confusion. The one question that my family didn't seem to have the answer to.

Why do we have to accept this cruel fate?

Why does life have to be unfair?

But even as I repeated these questions in my head as the tears continued to fall to the grass down below me, there was an inevitable thought looming in the back of my mind.

That no matter how much I try to question the universe, there was nothing to be done.

Or is there?

Rather short and mostly monologue but I sort of wanted to really explain why Y/n began to despise the Madrigals. The fun parts begin now, lol.

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