07 - he cambiado

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Another 3 years have passed, and I suppose, I have calmed down a little bit compared to how I was in the past.

The pranks weren't as frequent. 

But it didn't exactly stop.

Leo was sitting on the breakfast table when I arrived from picking up buckets of water, sipping on his morning coffee, reading the same science book he has been reading this past week. 

He looked up from his book when the final stair case floorboard creaked.

"Oh you're up!" He said with a groggy but somehow energized voice. I took a seat beside him as I scanned the book he was reading.

Leo was a particularly slim guy but he was born with broad shoulders that made him look bigger than he actually was from behind. 

I only took notice of their significance now when I was forced to crane my neck to peak over his shoulder.

"What are you even reading?" I asked, Leo chuckled before laying the book flat on the table and getting up to the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat? Mama and the others have gone to the market for vegetables," He said, already preparing warm coco milk for me.

"Maybe an arepa con queso?" I said, already scanning the book he was reading.

It had sketches and watercolors of shells and tusks and tiger teeth, sketches of skulls of elephants and whales pinned at the corner of the book

Just mostly bones of animals, really.

"Why would you want to learn about animal bones, Leo, they look boring." I said, flipping through pages, "It's just the same things."

Leo laughed, "Maybe I just find it interesting," He sets down my drink and my meal. He finished cooking rather quickly but I'm guessing he just reheated the arepas.

"I also like drawing them, there are so many tiny details that I notice and they're very fun to draw."

I munched on my arepa as Leo continued to talk about the skeletal structures that were on his book and his favorite ones to draw or observe and how it was so peculiar that the skeletons look so different form the actual specimen.

I kept listening to his rambles, dozing in and out, until Diago came in to save me from the endless science lesson.

"Leo, it's 6 in the morning, stop torturing Y/n with your science stuff." He mumbles with a groggy voice, taking an arepa from my plate but I let slide, he did just save me.

"Alright, sorry, N/n," Leo says, closing the book and eating as well, "Oh yeah, we're going to be attending Antonio's birthday later so you better get dressed, alright, N/n?"

I only nodded.

Eventually, Hugo joined the table and now we were in a debate about whose power was the strongest.

"Okay but my gift could easily blind you all," Leo defended, Diago scoffed.

"You forget, I could burn anything easily, Hermano," He boasted.

"Okay," Hugo started, "But lightning can produce fire so I technically can do what you do but better." This caused Diago to ignite his hand but Leo set it out instantly.

"Hey! But I can trick all of you, you won't even know what's coming," I said, trying to take part in the conversation.

Leo only patted my head, which didn't help at all. In fact, it motivated me even more to participate.

"But I can even eat fire, so I win," Diago added.

"It'll burn you though 'cause it's not your fire," Leo countered, Diago sank in his seat.

"So we agree that I win?" Hugo asked, making Leo and Diago rise to continue.

We continued the debate, completely forgetting that in the other side of Encanto lived the girl with the gift to hear miles away.


For the rest of the day, I was trapped doing chores in the winery. I suppose I haven't been spending much time there since I have been finding excuse after excuse to avoid it.

You can't blame me though, winery chores are not the normal chores. I have to lug around heavy baskets of grapes about to be aged, or pushed barrels of aged grapes to be turned into wine. 

It doesn't help that Tio Fabio and his daughter, Mariposa and Esperanza, have gone on vacation this past week so they weren't here to help with the aging process. 

Which meant extra chores for me. Yey. 

Sometimes I wish they were back already. 

...oh how I wish now that I didn't make that wish. 

My luck must be messed up because lo and behold, my primas have come home early. I don't exactly hate them, they're nice people. Well, Esperanza is nice to me, it's not her fault people compare me to her. 

But Mariposa.

I hate Mariposa. 

I think even my primos, Gelo and Gil agree. If you thought I was a menace, you haven't met Mariposa. 

Since we were around 5 years old, she was hell bent at making my life just a tad bit more miserable than it already was. She would steal some of my food in the morning, or even just move my basket while I'm harvesting grapes, knowing full well that I have a system when it comes to picking grapes.

Sometimes she would go as far as sabotaging my pranks by turning them against me.

Tio Fabio, Esperanza, and Mariposa arrived home abruptly, carrying twice the amount of bags they had when they left. Tia Maria and Papa were quick to great their youngest sibling while Gelo and Gil were already bombarding Esperanza with there souvenirs.

While my brothers were already helping mama place the food on the table. 

"Y/n!~" Mariposa exclaimed as she waved around from what looks like something she bought from their trip. A brand new book.

I looked at it closer before gasping, it was the book I asked for. 

Maybe Mariposa had a change of heart during their trip.

But then suddenly she showed her usual menacing grin before handing me the book, I eyed her suspiciously but my excitement at holding my dream book overcame my suspicion.

I should've been more suspicious. 

When I opened the book, turns out it was a completely different book inside. A children's book about donkeys but all the word donkey was crossed out, instead it was replaced with my name. 

"Get it? I bought a book that's about you, N/n," Mariposa said mockingly, her sickening grin showing how proud she was to show me her little 'masterpiece'. 

I felt my entire body grow warmer as I clenched the book, How could she? Isn't this taking it too far? My chest began to hurt but the anger boiling and bubbling inside me rose above it.  

"Vete a la mierda!" I exclaimed, throwing the book at her chest before turning invisible. My entire family turned to our direction, Mariposa clutching onto her chest as she groaned in pain. 

Leo's brows creased as he began calling my name, "Y/n, What did you do!"

But I refused to answer, instead I ran away once more.  Back to the mango trees. My little haven.

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