11 - en la celebración

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Tomorrow arrived too fast. Too fast for my taste. When the sun rose up and glared through my curtains I was already becoming upset with the fact that despite how comfy my bed was and how lulling the song of the birds were singing, I had to get up before Mama would yell me to do so. 

So without another more thought, I jumped out of bed and got dressed. My mind was still blank as I got ready, trying my best to avoid the reality that I would soon face when I walk out of that door.

Pfft. I'm being extra dramatic about all of this than I really need to be. 

"Y/n?" Mama knocked on my door before entering into my room, "Oh good, you're awake. Come and help me pack the gifts when you're done." she left the room with a smile. 

Which gave me some sort of relief. Mama was clearly in a happy mood, I'm not sure I would want to ruin it. So I have to be on my best behavior today and everything will be totally fine. 

I got out of my room and surprisingly wasn't met with the same chaotic morning I was expecting. 

"Mama's in the kitchen." I jumped in shock as Hugo stood behind me with stacks of crates in his hands. 

"You walk quietly for a big guy," I commented. 

Hugo just shrugged it off, "We're leaving in a few minutes so you better hurry." He began to walk away. 

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Wait, what? It's still early the morning, the party doesn't start till this evening."

"Mama volunteered to help the Madrigals with the preparation, now go," he simply said. And as I walked away I was able to notice how sleep deprived Hugo was. What time did he go to sleep?

But that will have to wait. I quickly ran down the stairs, grabbing an arepa in the dining table along the way before standing beside Mama in the kitchen. 

"What can I do to help?" 

Mama immediately dumped bags full of food into my hands. "Take these to the cart outside and help your father with the wine instead, Mariposa and I will be doing the wrapping." 

I didn't notice Mariposa who was standing beside Mama grumbling and frowning, probably at the fact that she had to do the boring wrapping tasks. 

I stuck out my tongue at Mariposa, earning a vulgar action from her, before walking to the carts outside. 

I didn't realize how busy the rest of the town was when I stepped out of the house. So busy they reached to our side of Encanto. Which pretty far from the main areas like Casita and the plaza. 

I placed all the food in the cart and went straight for the winery. Papa and Esperanza were already there. Esperanza keeping the wine chilled while Papa was moving the crates around in the air. Their eyes landed on me as soon as I entered the room. 

"Mama didn't need my help," I simply answered and Papa nodded in acknowledgement and handed me a notepad.

He gave me small smile, "You already know what to do?" I returned the gesture before nodding. "Good, get working mija." he said, ruffling my hair before going back to lifting the crates. 

I began to account all of the wine bottles and all of the crates, carefully calculating all of them till all was accounted for. Before I knew it we were set to leave. 

When we arrived at Casita, Mirabel didn't spare another second before jumping to hug me. "Y/n, it's been so long since we last saw each other!" she exclaimed, I chuckled in return. 

"We saw each other a few days ago, didn't we?" I said but Mirabel shook her head. 

"That doesn't count, we need to go hang out sometime again," her eyes widened. "Oh, you could help me tomorrow for Isabella's dinner."

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