03 - la bromista

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Even as a young child, I already held a reputation to being 'not like my cousin Esperanza'.

As my Tias and Tios always said, I wasn't lady like. I snort when I laugh, I get mud on my skirt, and my hair isn't tame like Esperanza. When I stand next to my cousin, I look more like a boy selling newspapers on the streets.

But to my defense, I was 7 years old with three older brothers while my cousin, Esperanza was a 12 year old girl and had no brothers at all.

I can be lady like... if I wanted to.


Regardless, this reputation didn't remain within the walls of my home and now, I'm pretty sure the entire town of Encanto just sees me as the problem child of the Taverde Family.

But 7 year old me could care less about what the rest of Encanto thought.

Or I convinced myself that I didn't care.

"So this is where you've been," someone spoke from the ground. I looked down from the branches that I was residing on and saw Hugo holding a basket between his arm and his hip as he looked up to me.

"I'd rather be here than be yelled at again," I stated, even at the age of 7, I was aware that by merely ditching cleaning day I was bound for an earful when I return home.

Hugo sighed, dropping the basket of fruits on the ground and climbing up the tree to sit on a branch beside mine, he looked ahead either watching the birds on the sky or the town in front of us.

"Diago and I played pranks on Gelo and Gil earlier, you should've been there." No response.

"We finished making the catapult design too, but the hinges were roughed up so when we tried it out in the fields earlier, it hit Mariposa in the face!" Hugo broke into laughter but I could't do the same. He instantly stopped and cleared his throat.

"Uh, Papa has been worrying about you, you know," Hugo said, the atmosphere slowly becoming dimmer as the sun set slowly meets the evening, "he keeps asking if you have told us anything since your talk in the firefly room."

Hugo glanced my way, waiting for my answer but I didn't know how I would phrase it. Papa did have the right to worry but I also deserve to be upset... right?

"Why do we have to hide our gifts? The Madrigals get so much praise, who's to say we won't get the same treatment?" I argued.

Hugo shrugged, "Trust me, N/n. Leo, Diago and I ask the same thing but Papa always says the same answer."

"It is something out of our control." We said in unison.

"There's no helping it, N/n," Hugo turned to me, "All we can do now is do as we're told."

Then Hugo stopped talking, which if you knew him, was very unlikely. If Leo was the man of few words, Hugo was the complete opposite. So it was quick to make me realize how Hugo felt about our family predicament, and I began feeling guilty for making him feel as glum as I was.

"Whatever, so what's this about Mariposa getting hit in the face," I said with a mischievous grin.


As expected, when I arrived home, I was in a heap of trouble. 

"Y/n Lucia Taverde, where have you been all this time!? huh? You had all of us worried sick," Mama exclaimed, turning to me.

"You even put your brother into some trouble, what do you have to say for yourself!?" Mama nagged and ranted in the kitchen, furiously wiping off the flour onto her apron.

I dared not to look into my mother's eyes, only slumping my shoulders as I stared at the floor beneath me. 

"Y/n was just a little upset, Mama, and I wasn't troubled at all," Hugo defended. 

Mama huffed in response but no more words left her mouth, instead, returning to the stove to continue cooking. 

I look over to Hugo and mouth a thank you before rushing to my room before Mama would change her mind.

As my head began to wrap around my tangled string of thoughts, my feelings towards my prejudiced situation began to solidify.

I wasn't simply going to back down.

I wasn't going to just let myself be pushed down to meekness.

I am Y/n Lucia Taverde, I am unladylike, unkept, and I will keep it that way.

When the morning arrived, Encanto was in for a storm.

I was sitting at the edge of my bed, staring at my hand as I watched it phase in and out of invisibility.

For once, I could use my gift for something fun.

Hoping out of my bed and phasing through my bedroom door, I slipped out of the house unnoticed with the help of my invisibility.

And as I stood in front of the fields in front of me and the house that stood after, my plan began to take action.

I couldn't stop my menacing little giggles as I ran to my neighbors, the Lacuerte's, home. Carefully phasing through the wall and into their kitchen, I spotted the twins Jaime and Eleana having a conversation on the dinner table.

"Eleana, are you sure you want to marry him? Isn't it a bit too early?" Jaime stated.

Eleana shrugged, "He's a good guy, and you heard what mama and papa were talking about, it's about time I got married."

"But do you love him?"

Mierda, I stepped in at the wrong time.

I began stepping away from the dinner table.

I'll just leave quietly-

But unfortunately for me, my elbow knocked over a vase, which knocked over a picture frame, which knocked over an empty clay pot.


The twins jolted, heads darting around trying to search for the source of the wreckage.

And I was stuck clueless on what to do.

"Maybe it was the wind?" Eleana tried to reassure herself but Jaime wasn't buying it.

"Well, Papa did say he felt ghosts when he bought the house," Jaime joked, earning a hard smack from Eleana.

"Not funny, Jaime!"

Okay, it's my chance to run.

I began darting for the nearest wall but instead of phasing through, my head met the hard concrete wall, pushing me back and on to the floor.


Jaime darted to the hallway where I was, "Who's there?!"

At this point, I could care less about the twins, my head was pounding as if a thousand elephants were trampling me.

but maybe I should have cared more because what came out of Jaime's mouth made me rethink my life choices.

"Y/n... Taverde?"


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