"Oh." Leo nodded. "I wouldn't know. I don't lift weights."

"Yeah. Well, maybe you should consider it, Mr.—"

Hazel stepped between them.

"I'll help you, Frank," she said, shooting Leo an evil look. "I can summon Arion and scout around below."

"Sure," Frank said, still glaring at Leo. "Yeah, thanks."

Hazel turned to Percy. "Just be careful when you go out there. Lots of fields, lots of crops. Could be karpoi on the loose."

"Karpoi?" I asked.

"Grain spirits," Hazel said. "You don't want to meet them."

I didn't see how a grain spirit could be so bad, but Hazel's tone convinced me not to ask.

"That leaves four of us to check on the mile marker," Percy said. "Me, Jason, Jasper, Eliana. I'm not psyched about seeing Mr. D again. That guy is a pain. But, Jason, if you're on better terms with him—"

"Yeah," Jason said. "If we find him, I'll talk to him. Eliana, it's your vision. You should take the lead."

I shivered. I'd seen the three of them drowning in that dark well. Was Kansas where it would happen? That didn't seem right, but I couldn't be sure.

"Of course," I said, trying to sound upbeat. "Let's find the highway."

Leo had said they were close. His idea of "close" needed some work.

After trudging half a mile through hot fields, getting bitten by mosquitoes and whacked in the face with scratchy sunflowers, we finally reached the road. An old billboard for Bubba's Gas 'n' Grub indicated they were still forty miles from the first Topeka exit.

"Correct my math," Percy said, "but doesn't that mean we have eight miles to walk?"Jason peered both ways down the deserted road. He looked better today, thanks my magical healing. His color was back to normal, and the scar on his forehead had almost vanished. The new gladius that Hera had given him last winter hung at his belt. Most guys would look pretty awkward walking around with a scabbard strapped to their jeans, but on Jason it seemed perfectly natural.

"No cars..." he said. "But I guess we wouldn't want to hitchhike."

"No," I agreed, gazing nervously down the highway. "We've already spent too much time going overland. The earth is Gaea's territory."

"Then what do you suppose we do?" Jasper asked. I refused to look at him.

"Hmm..." Jason snapped his fingers. "I can call a friend for a ride."

Percy raised his eyebrows. "Oh, yeah? Me too. Let's see whose friend gets here first."

Jason whistled. Percy simply closed his eyes and concentrated. 

Thunder crackled in the clear sky.

Jason smiled. "Soon."

"Too late." Percy pointed east, where a black winged shape was spiraling toward them. At first, 

"Blackjack." I said fondly.

"A black pegasus?" Jasper said. "Never seen one like that."The winged stallion came in for a landing. He trotted over to Percy and nuzzled his face, then turned his head inquisitively toward Jasper and Jason.

"Blackjack," Percy said, "this is Jasper and Jason. They're friends."

The horse nickered.

"Uh, maybe later," Percy answered.

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