Chapter Fifty-Nine

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The giddy feeling in my stomach did not stop. It was born of excitement at the engagement, but slightly fearful. I'd even forgotten about meeting my dad for a bit.

In the last two weeks, I have been exposed to the possible life of Aiden Stark's wife. There was so much to expect and so much to do. I was happy.

We have been engaged for a while, but this felt different. Not only did I say I love you to someone for the first time in over a year, I was also engaged to the man I fell for.

This was all too good to be true, but the glimmer in my finger was a constant reminder that it was real. Even after showering, I put the ring back on to admire it.

Aiden was in the bathroom taking a shower, and I hope he made some noise before going back in. Even though he had seen me at my worst, I would melt if he saw me this excited over a ring.

A few minutes ago, I heard the other come in from the after-party, but I was too shy to go outside. I was sure they were all home because before Aiden got in the shower, he went down to talk to Jessi and Jonas.

I knew they got the company like I wanted and it made me feel a tad bit guilty. For a moment I was power-hungry and asked for the biggest thing I could ask for, and Aiden gave it to me without blinking.

Now that my dad had given me more than enough, I wasn't sure how to tell them, so I chose to sleep. They went through so much trouble for me and I may never be able to repay their kindness. 

"Are you going to bed?" Aiden asked, walking into the room while drying his hair. "We have to go down for a meeting,"

"Nooo," I moaned. "I'm too tired,"

"Well, you have to go because we have to tell them the good news," he kissed my forehead before going into his closet.

When he came back out, he was dressed in a two-piece pyjamas that had a similar colour to mine. I also noticed he was wearing a silver band on the same finger as me.

When straight couples got engaged, I don't remember seeing the men wear bands. However, Aiden was more than ready to tell people he was taken. My cheeks flushed and thanked my ancestors for melanin, else my face would be red as a tomato.

Reluctantly, I went downstairs with Aiden and the first thing I noticed was the silence. After the success of the beta testing, I figured everyone would be drinking and celebrating, but the bar was empty.

I did notice that a few bottles were missing from the shelf though.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"At the coding den," he smiled, dragging my hand towards the basement.

We had to take an elevator down to the coding den and during that time I began to grow nervous. One thing I realised is that ever since I met Aiden, my life has moved so fast I could barely keep up sometimes.

"What took you so long?" Jonas shouted as soon as we entered the den. "Babe cut the music, they're here,"

Oliver turned around to be sure we were the ones before hitting pause on his phone. He then proceeded to sit next to Jonas and snuggle into his sides. Those two have been inseparable for a while, but I was too scared to ask for the updates.

Aiden told me their relationship was complicated, and Jonas was learning to trust Oliver again. All of them here have been through a lot and part of it was my fault.

Jessi, who had to face her past traumas, Halo, who was reunited with his family and with me, Oliver and Jonas who have been separated for years. Even my best friend Mia closed her laptop and smiled at me with hopeful eyes.

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