Chapter Fifty

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When I was a child, I watched the Cinderella cartoon and I remember not being able to relate to her. For me, I was more like a sleeping beauty; locked away in a tower waiting to be rescued.

Today, I finally understood what the hype was all about. Not only was I in the most gorgeous outfit, the most handsome man I had laid my eyes on also accompanied me.

Aiden was the definition of beautiful, but it was even more noticeable tonight. As soon as we walked into the dance hall, all eyes turned to us.

Everyone wanted to know who the lady standing next to Aiden Stark was. However, I was too busy taking in how Aiden acted around everyone. He was so nice and polite, and it felt like he belonged here.

If their parents were nicer, they would have stayed in the elite circle. Aiden, Jessi, Jonas and Halo were all natural in conversations, but I was lost. I watched them from a close distance while I gulped down a flute in Champaign.

Aiden noticed I was uncomfortable and tried to wrap up his conversation, but I was dragged away by someone I did not know.

"Hello there," the lady said, pushing me to a group of people.

"Um, hi," I said awkwardly.

"Nicole, it's me, Jenna," the lady announced.

I looked to see the stunning woman in front of me. If I had my glasses, on, the frames would have cracked, but I was on contacts today.

"I'm so sorry. It's nice to finally meet you," I said quickly.

"You don't have to be so formal," she laughed.

"It feels so strange. I wanted to come here to see what the society was like but I don't know what to talk about with anyone,"

"Wanna know a secret? No one else does. All they do is say their name and others decide what they should talk about. Don't be shy and mingle,"

"Thank you so much for inviting me,"

"Please. We used to be neighbours before your accident. I removed how little you used to be now you're all grown up,"


"Yes, but you've probably forgotten since I looked different now,"

"Actually, I don't remember much from my childhood,"

Jenna's face softened into an apology face. I was surprised that she was sad for me because I thought no one here would know about me. However, I was hung up over the accident she said I had.

Even my mother hated me for that accident, but I still don't remember it. All I got are nightmares.

"You don't remember the accident, do you?" Jenna asked.

"No," I replied, hanging my head low. "That's why my mother hid me away,"

"Ah, I see. She probably hated you too huh,"

"How did you know?"

"I was the oldest of the kids back then. Everyone knows how in love your parents are. She changed a lot after the accident,"

"It's ok now. You're here now. There aren't a lot of nice people in the elite circle but if you ever want to gossip, hit me up anytime and we can go for lunch,"

"Sure thing,"

Jenna walked away, grabbing a flute of champagne from a waiter. She immediately met another group of people and started socialising with them. If there was such a thing as a graceful host, that was Jenna tonight.

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