Chapter Three

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What is wrong with me?

After six months of searching, I finally got a job, but like everything good that comes my way, I have to fight really hard for it to stay. It's my first day at work and my supervisor hates me. To crown it all, I made out with my boss the night before while I was drunk and I almost slept with him.

Unfortunately, I'm not one of those strong women that can pretend like nothing happened and go on with my day. This is why I currently have my face in a toilet at Zen Industries, throwing up everything that hasn't been digested yet. Safe to say, I won't be forgetting this day anytime soon.

When I was done with the most embarrassing moment of my life, I got up and went to the sink. There, I found a bottle of water waiting for me, which I knew Rebecca kept for me. She looked really worried when I asked her for the bathroom.

I used the water to rinse my mouth and rearranged my braids in a more presentable manner. My body felt so much better now that everything was out, but the guilt was eating away at my chest. I was disappointed with my reflection.

How could I forget what Aiden Stark looked like?

I read a magazine with him on the cover before I applied to Zen.

Back then, I remember thinking he was a fantasy because he was too perfect. He was young, rich, smart, handsome and, according to the tabloids, single. After last night, I'm not really sure about that last part. He did mention having a sleep partner.

People who have everything turn out to be the scariest. I had all my memories back, and I was terrified of what this meant. I had to keep this job no matter what, but I can't have my supervisor and CEO hating me.

What if Aiden thinks I intentionally accepted his offer after refusing it to blackmail him? What would I do if he decides to fire me for being unprofessional?

Oh Nicole! You stupid bitch! Just look at the mess you made.

I groaned and folded myself internally.

After a few seconds, I took a deep breath, reminding myself that nothing happened last night. Yes. I kissed Aiden Stark, but it didn't go further than that. When I got a chance, I would explain everything and apologise.

I pulled myself together and left the bathroom with the bottle of water. As I suspected, Rebbeca was waiting for me outside the bathroom.

"I take it you're acquainted with Mr Stack," she said as we continued our tour.

"Something like that but I didn't know he was-," I paused my sentence, embarrassed to admit that I didn't know the man who approached me yesterday was the owner of the company I now work for.

Rebbeca forced a smile on her face, but I could almost tell she didn't believe me. Who would blame her? No person in the tech would forget a man like Aiden Stark.

Thankfully, she didn't ask any more questions as we continued the tour. Instead, she showed me sleeping quarters for programmers that stayed in the office working overtime.

I suddenly understood why my position was a hybrid employment. The space was one large hall with small beds facing each other. I noticed there was no separate space for women and I became scared that I was the only woman in this department.  Rebbeca pulled me to my work pace before I could dwell on the thought.

Like the sleeping quarters, the office was one large hall with countless work desks and gaming chairs. Rebbeca pointed to a corner in the far left of the hall.

"That's yours, and everything in those boxes is the equipment the company has provided. If you need any help to set up, you can ask for an electrician."

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