Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Lair," I muttered. "You're lying."

"Why would I lie to a married man?" She said, and my heart skipped a beat. "I have a boyfriend now so I hope that will help you stay faithful to your wife,"

There was no way she was telling the truth. We had only been apart for a few days. Did she hate me so much that she would date someone else before I got a chance to confess my feelings?

In the beginning, I didn't understand them. That was my fault. I wanted to keep her close to me, but I kept hurting her. The easiest solution would be to let her go, but it is impossible now.

My nightmares no longer kept me up at night; it was all thought of her. I couldn't think about how she felt next to me. The way her body moved when I was on top of her played constantly in my mind.

I also hated how she looked when she saw me with Diana. That was a look of betrayal. I was sure she was feeling the same way I was, so why?

The articles about us didn't make things either. I understood why she was pushing me away, but it was her I wanted to be with, not Diana. It was never Diana.

Nicole pushed her door open and tried to close after going in, but I stopped her.

"Nicole, please, can we just talk this out?" I asked.

"What's there to talk about?" she asked. "You're getting married and I'm in a relationship,"

"But I'm not getting married,"

"How do you expect me to believe that? The entire world is calling me a home wrecker. You announce your engagement to the world without even telling me who you considered a friend."

"I never considered you as just a friend, Nicole. You've always been more to me,"

"Then what was I? Your sleep partner? Friends with benefits? Let's end it! I don't want anything to do with you anymore."

Nicole please-" she slammed the door closed.

The sound echoed in my ear for a few seconds before I realised what was happening.

Was this really the end for us?

I was still grasping at straws. I waited outside Nicole's apartment for about 30 minutes, but I only felt worse. It was a delusion to think she would come outside and talk to me again after everything.

The doorman came to ask questions and for security reasons, I left. I still suspected that there was someone watching the propel I interacted with often.

After leaving Nicole's apartment, I didn't know where to go. My head was crowded by so many things and I couldn't temper the last time I had a good sleep. I couldn't go back home because Diana was there, and I was too tired to go back to work.

I don't know how long is that in my car considering where everything went wrong. After everything I did to avoid being in the situation, I was back here again.

It seems like just yesterday I met Nicole and asked her to sleep with me. I was in the middle of a battle, but I still wasn't sure who I was fighting. It made me wish I left Nicole alone when she asked.

Now we were in this tangled mess together.

After much thought, I drove to the only place I hadn't gone to yet. The last time we spoke, he was very upset with me. Jonas was probably the first to notice my feelings for Nicole.

He probably knew I would hurt her, which is why he stayed by her side. I was an adult, but I still couldn't do anything properly. The shame and frustration spread through me.

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