Chapter Forty-Two

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This level of peace wasn't something I had every day. If I was being honest, I probably never had it. I finally understood why I couldn't sleep with anyone else after I met her.

It was never about needing a sleep partner. I let that distract me from the fact that Nicole was the most amazing woman I had ever met. After having my fill of sleep, I turned slightly and became aware of the presence next to me.

A smile graced my face as I had a flashback of our wildest night yet. I slowly opened my eyes to take in the sight of her. We skipped many steps, but now we were engaged.

I know that she didn't expect it, but I wanted to give her a proper proposal. I moved my lips to kiss her forehead, but I became aware of her shivering body.

My body jerked up quickly as I checked her temperature. She is freezing, but not in a danger zone. I wondered if it was her clothes, but she was wearing one of my hoodies. From the way her body moved, I could tell she was having a nightmare.

I pulled Nicole's body to my chest and hugged her. After revealing that she was the girl I got kidnapped with, a lot of things made sense; including my stupidity. I should have searched for her and protected her.

Nicole started to moan and cry in her sleep, but I held onto her. Did she have dreams about the kidnapping? The file my father gave me said she had amnesia.

However, I could see that she was in so much pain that her soul was bleeding out in her sleep. I wished she would use me as her anchor for happiness. She saved me and I would stay with her forever.

After a few more minutes, she woke up and cried into my chest.

"It's ok," I cooed, stroking her back slowly.

"You're safe now,"

"There's nothing to be afraid of,"

"I'll protect you,"

I kissed her forehead and held her tightly to give her some of my warmth. If I could, I would take the pain away from her and bear it all myself. She deserves to be happy.

"I love you," I say against her lips before kissing them softly.

As soon as I pull away, her lips welcome me back. I could feel them quiver with the fear from her dream. She slowly regains herself and calms down. When she stopped crying, she pulled away from me and tried to turn away from me to wipe the tears on her face. I pulled her back, letting her know she was safe.

"Did you have a nightmare?" I asked.

"I'm not sure," she replied, shaking her head. "It feels too real for a dream,"

"Why do you say so?"

"Because every night, I continue from where I stopped last time. It like someone is showing me something,"

"Do you want to tell me about it?"

"Don't worry about it. You've done enough for me,"

"Nicole, I want to know. I want us to do everything together now. It might be a long shot, but you deserve happiness,"

"I don't think I'll ever be happy,"

"You're not happy when you're with me?"

"No, it's not like that,"

I pause, waiting for her to explain herself. I know she just woke up and I shouldn't be putting her on the spot, but it would be great to know what I was working with.

"I'm happy when I'm with you and I feel safe," she says. "It's just that we don't know what scheme will happen again. It's been a while since I've been at peace. If it wasn't my family, it was my ex or a lecturer who hates me or a boss who sues me and the sorts,"

Listening to her give all these examples told me that she has been through a lot. I pull her in for a hug and she hugs me back.

"You can tell me whenever you're ready," I told her.

"I am ready. I've just never told anyone before," she replied.

"Really?" I asked, checking her facial expression.

She smiled and nodded.

"It's actually very creepy. Ever since I started having the dream, I felt the need to watch my back like I was being watched or followed. It's probably just my mom though,"

Her body language changed when she spoke about her mother. Just how did that woman treat her? I swallowed hard, wondering if now was the time for me to tell her about the stranger that has been stalking us.

"It's about a younger girl. I'm in her body and we're trapped in this cold, empty space with a boy. He's a little older and tries to protect the girl, but the man is too strong,"

My body froze as my memory went back to the warehouse. Everything else she said after that went by me. The file said she forgot. Was she now getting her memories back after all these years?

"Aiden?" her voice echoes.

"Aiden!" she shakes me, snapping me out of it.

"Sorry about that," I tried to force a laugh, but it came out awkwardly.

"What was that?"

"Would you freak out if I told you your dream happened in real life?"

"That's impossible," she laughed.

"But you said it's too real to be a dream,"

"It doesn't mean you should joke about it," she grabs a pillow and jabs it my way.

After a few seconds of me staying silent, she realises something is wrong and turns to face me. Her brows furrowed in confusion and it made me want to see her in glasses again.

"You're serious?" she asked.

"The boy in your dream is me," I told her.

"You're lying,"

Her expression slowly changes from amusement to fear. I hate to do this to her, but it was necessary for her safety to be aware of the full story.

"I'm not. I remember everything that happened there. All the nights he tormented us and the terrible food he made us eat and when he would beat us when our parents didn't do what he wanted. I remember all of it and that's why I've always had trouble sleeping,"

"Wait, what do you mean we?"

"It's not a dream. It's probably your memories,"

"Wait a minute. Have you always known that it was me?"

Jonas knew and I didn't. That was enough to keep me angry. However, in this situation it was best if I told the truth.

"No. I found out when my father told me about your mom's proposal. I hate that it took me this long because we could have protected you,"

"Unbelievable!" she exclaims.

"Do you remember everything yet?"

"I don't think so. It still feels like a dream,"

"Don't force it. Get cleaned up and I'll bring some of your stuff here," I kissed her forehead and climbed out of bed.

"Are we going somewhere?" she asked.

"I got an update from Jonas. We need to find Jonas and come up with a plan if we're going to fight against our parents." I told her.

She hugs the blanket, wishing to stay in bed. She was so cute and I wish I got to see her like this every day.

"You could just leave me here," she said.

"Never again," I replied. "You are staying right next to me, where I can protect you."

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Song recommendation: Everything I wanted - Billie Eilish

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