Chapter Eleven

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Inside Aiden's car, I suppressed the urge to stare at my phone. His car smelled extra nice and I should know since I was driven to school nearly half my life. I wasn't familiar with car brands, but I knew he drove a black Audi. 

I stole a glance his way when he wasn't looking and I saw that Aiden's face appeared brighter. The eye bags under his eyes were gone, and he still had bed hair from last night. This was the Aiden I had seen on the cover of magazines.

Aiden looked more human now, but I noticed he was uncomfortable in his seat as he drove. He kept adjusting in his seat and I couldn't help but look at his thighs. His pants were tighter than I saw them yesterday.

My mind suddenly replayed him carrying me to my room while we kissed passionately.

I knew I was attracted to Aiden, but I didn't know how much he had suppressed his urge to touch me. The thoughts of the night we spent together made me feel hot all over, even with the AC fanning my face.

"We're here," He announced, taking off his seat belt. "What would you like? I'll get it for you,"

I looked outside and saw that we were at a fast food store. How did the time go by so quickly? I had forgotten to think about my food choice and we were already at the fast food.

Aiden waited for my answer, but I didn't know what to say. I barely ate at places like this unless I was with Mia because I wasn't used to it.

To answer him, I removed my seat belt and grabbed my phone. I would decide after seeing the menu options. There was no way I would tell Aiden I didn't know what to get here because Mia always ordered for me.

"Wait for me," he grabs me as I move to open the door.

I sat in the car clueless for 30 seconds, but I gained clarity when my car door opened. He wanted to open the door for me. Looking at him now, he seems like a total gentleman, but I knew he had many sides to him.

The Nicole that met him that night at the bar would have never assumed he had manners.

I smiled and climbed out of the car, taking his hand. It sent tingles through my body and relaxed me at the same time. I never wanted to let go of his hand, but we were in public. Aiden was a known billionaire. I couldn't hold his hand for longer, even if I wanted to.

The second I was out of the car, I pulled away and walked carefully to the door of the store, knowing he was watching my every move. It made me more conscious of my surroundings.

When we entered the store, I realised I had been there before with Mia. It was not far from my apartment. My eyes scanned the menus on the large screen above the counter. They had a lot of sandwiches, but I wanted a burrito because it was Mia's choice for me the few times we ate out and I loved meat.

I ordered a chicken burrito and a soda drink. Aiden was going to get a sandwich, but he changed his order last minute to get the same thing I did. Then he added two packs of fries with tomato sauce.

We sat at a table in the shop to wait for our order and more people trooped in, making me self-conscious. I wondered if any of them know the man sitting with me. I barely paid attention to gossip forums, but I had to remind myself that Aiden was one of the youngest billionaires in the country.

"Are you alright?" he asked, taking my hand.

I pulled away quickly, looking around to see if anyone saw that. Aiden frowned at my behaviour. By pulling away seemed to hurt him, but I had to care about his reputation and avoid every misunderstanding.

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