Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Several days have passed and we haven't been able to find anything. After Oliver told me what my uncle did, I launched into an investigation myself. I couldn't trust anyone else with this task.

The people who work for me may be loyal, but it was easy to buy someone with money. I made sure everyone working on this did not leave my house without permission.

They were also not allowed to use their personal communication devices. All the phones they used to work had chips in them that recorded every conversation.

If there was a mole, I would know. This task was too dangerous for there to be a mistake. Lives were at stake, and it was my job to protect them.

For the last few days, I've had these men look through every business transaction record from 2009 till the present day involving my uncle. That wasn't the only thing I asked for.

It took a lot of calls, but I gathered all my uncle's bank statements from all his accounts, including the hidden ones. I would examine all of them myself until I found the truth.

If Oliver was telling the truth, there would be receipts. It would have been easy to deceive me back then. I was a child who had to go to school while lead a group of dangerous men.

My mother was meant to assist me, but I know she would care about such petty details. It hurts me so much to suspect my blood relation, but I never trusted any of them.

My apartment was covered in boxes containing old PC drives which these men had to look through. Some of the records were done by hand and were even harder to look through.

"What's taking you guys so long?" I asked, entering my living room, which had been turned into a workspace. "How hard is it to find the details of the order my father made in 2009?"

I was running out of patience. Aiden was busy trying to fight things out on his end. I used to think it was a blessing that he could break out of this family, but seeing him struggle now told me otherwise.

The elite families may be dangerous and toxic, but they had their uses. I'd known for a long time that Nicole was from an elite family. Like Aiden, she ran away, and that's why I thought they were perfect for each other.

While I dealt with my problem, I tried to guess how they would deal with theirs. However, I came up blank. Aiden was very predictable, but Nicole was another story.

"Boss, we found something!" someone exclaimed.

I walked to the desk of the person who spoke and waited for him to show me what he found.

"Sir, it was exactly like you suspected. There's barely any business Benjamin Callisto was involved in between 2005 to 2009. Your father was in charge of everything. I didn't find anything strange in the businesses he was in charge of till date either. So I looked at his bank statement like you said,"

"What did you find?" I grabbed the file from his hand and looked through the transaction from the month of December, which he had opened.

"There was a suspicious transaction in his hidden bank account from a few years ago. I don't know if it's what you're looking for, but the amount is quite similar to what we're searching for,"


"This transaction started in 2016, but he didn't get the full payment until a few years later. He got paid for 150 million dollar's worth of construction materials. The company is also a suspicious because we all know he has connections there,"

"Let me guess, Japan,"

"Yes sir,"

"I can't believe it. All these years, he was in my house and he betrayed us."

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