Chapter Forty-Four

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Seven years ago, I left the world I was born into know for good. My perspective on life changed rapidly. I found out that my family was exactly as toxic as the elite rich people in the dramas the working class watched.

Finding out that normal people didn't have to be good at everything and marry the person of their parent's choice broke me. For the first time in my life, I felt real jealousy, so I decided to try a normal life.

Although I worked for my cousin, I never worked overtime and used up all my vacation days. I finally got to experience what having a normal life was like, but I couldn't make friends.

The people I hung out with thought I was weird for always speaking on money terms. How was that my fault when I've been involved in the stock market since after 9/11?

To my family, age was just a number. We were treated as adults even when we were 5 or 6. Simply having elite blood in your veins meant you were different, so you had to do better than everyone else. It was the most exhausting way to live.

Some of us ended up being bullies to get rid of the frustration, which is why you hear of rich kids bullying small kids. My cousins and I, played games, and we talked to strangers on the internet.

I raised them to respect women and others because there was  a part of me that believed they could become better men than our fathers. Looking at my brother Halo, Aiden and Jonas, I was right about them.

However, my dream was about to be cut short because of those old farts. Thinking about it made my skin crawl. They were stubborn and only spoke in three languages; money, influence, and force.

The last time we escaped, we used force. This time, we may have to use all three. Taking one last look at myself in the mirror, I smiled.

My hair and makeup today were different from the ones I did at work. Those were simple and friendly. Today's theme was intimidation and the smooth ponytail and the bold red lipstick on my lips did the job very well.

I was dressed in a black short blazer dress with knee-length shiny black boots. The heels were tiny enough to kill my enemies when I stepped on them, and it made me feel powerful.

The file Jonas gave me to present to my uncle was tucked away carefully in my bag and I read it one more time to be sure. There was only one thing remaining and the beep on my phone alerted me it was time.

When I opened my messages I saw that Halo sent me the coordinates of our dear uncle.

"Well done Halo," I texted back.

"Don't forget to leave your earpiece on," he replied.

I smiled and placed the small device inside my left ear. When I tapped on the coordinates, I saw that my uncle was on the move and not in his office. It made me curious who he was meeting. I grabbed my bag and my sunglasses and picked up my red sports car. I never drive on this occasion.

Tracking my uncle was the easiest part of this plan. The blinking red lights on the map Halo sent stopped at a restaurant and I don't know how good Halo made this, but it won't stop blinking until I was in front of him.

Normal hackers would have hacked my uncle's phone, but he could give it away to his secretary. This is why Halo placed the tracker on his watch instead. I have to ask him how he did that.

"Jessi, are you ready?" Aiden's voice came on the earpiece.

"Aren't you supposed to be in a meeting?" I asked.

"I'm heading there. I just wanted to check in first,"

"I'm not a baby Aiden. I've got this,"

"Thank you," he said in a weird tone.

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