Chapter Seven

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Friday, my favourite day of the week. It was the one day I barely had an interview, but things were different now since I had a job. The things I had to look forward to made me want to run back to the subway and to my apartment.

I had a supervisor who hated me and a sexy boss I fuck in my head. But I had to work, or else I would lose said apartment and beg my mother to take me back.

I sighed and walked into the Zen Industries building wearing another comfortable outfit. This time, I went with a Black skirt that stopped mid ties with one of my cute tops and black stockings. Then I wore my black heeled boots and navy blue blazer. The only non-dark thing I wore was my top, which was baby blue.

Like the last time I was here, I had my braids up in a ponytail, but this time I removed the hair band and let them fall on both sides of my face. The crown of my entire outfit was my white frame glasses. I had glasses in different colours in this style, but the white one was my favourite.

"Hi Jessi," I say as I see her standing in line to swipe her card at the security.

When I came here last time, the receptionist swiped her card for me, so I could get in, but I was in too much of a hurry to notice. Jessi turned and smiled at me and had me a cup of coffee. She looked stunning, as always. I noticed she had curled her short hair today, and it looked great.

"You look tired. I'm glad I got you one of these," she says.

I was surprised she was able to tell that I look tired since I went with one of my light makeup routines. Considering the fact that I didn't have enough sleep last night, I should've probably done a full face.

"Thanks," I replied, sipping the coffee she got me.

It had vanilla cream. Sweet!

"Are you ok though?" She asked.

"Yeah," I replied quickly as we walked to the elevator. "I had a nightmare and couldn't go back to sleep, so I decided to finish writing the reports for Harvey."

I didn't lie to Jesse, but that wasn't the complete story. After what happened in my bathtub, I cried myself to sleep. But even that didn't last long. I had that dream again, but this time I was alone in the dark and the boy was gone. I think I finally understood why the younger me relied on that boy so much. It is scary because I'm convinced this is where my memories and I lost.

A part of me wanted to remember them, while the other part of me was afraid of what those dreams actually met. What if I find out why my mothers hated me this entire time, and I started hating myself too? It had taken me too long to start believing in myself again to go down that road.

"Aiden used to have nightmares. He barely talks about them anymore, so I think they stopped. I can recommend a shrink if you need one," Jessi offered.

"It's fine," I replied, forcing a smile on my face.

When it got to our turn to use the elevator, it was just me and Jessi left. We entered the elevator and Jessi stopped at the eighth floor to see someone while I continued the ride to our floor on my own.

The elevator stopped again to pick up another set of people and I took a sip of my coffee while waiting for them to get in. The sweetness eased a little of my fatigue. After a few seconds, I realised no one got inside the elevator.

Who stopped it then?

I looked up to see why they weren't coming in, but only one person stood in front of me.

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