Chapter Forty-Three

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Wearing new clothes in a new house where I wasn't being watched against my will was liberating. It was still hard to believe that Aiden was the boy in my dream, but I realised that he had no reason to lie to me.

Aside from the scene I saw in my dream, I had memories of that life. As much as I wanted to remember, I had bigger problems to worry about. I styled my braids and did my edged then I applied lip gloss before heading out of his bathroom.

Just as I was about to leave his room, I spotted something familiar on his bedside stool. It was my favourite white frame glasses I wore to work. Did Aiden go to my apartment to bring these for me?

"Do you like my surprise?" he asked.

"Where did you find it?" I asked, wearing it.

It brought a sense of familiarity and safety that I missed. A warm smile crawled on my face as I realised my look was complete.

"Mia brought it with her. She said you would need it,"

"I have to thank her later,"

"She's a good friend, you know,"

I nodded, and I grabbed my phone. When we went outside his house, there was a different car from last night parked in front. It made me want to ask how many cars he had, but I knew his answer wouldn't surprise me.

Aiden was doing it subtly, but it was obvious he was showing off his wealth again. I hid my amusement and entered the passenger seat when he opened the car for me.

This was the princess treatment I'd dreamed of years ago. If only I would allow myself to enjoy it. In about thirty minutes, we were in Jonas' apartment door pressing the bell.

The men in the hallway were changing their shifts when we got there, but no one was coming to the door. Aiden pulled out his phone to call Jonas while I kept pressing the doorbell. I stopped when I heard a beep and nearly lost myself when Mia opened the door.

"Mia!" I screamed, jumping into her arms,"

"Baby!" she cried, holding on to me. "I'm so sorry. I couldn't do anything to help you,"

"It's ok Mia, you did enough for me. I love you,"

"I love you too,"

I really did love her. She showed me more love than anyone else, and I was grateful for her presence in my life. She hugged each other crying when I noticed that Jonas still wasn't there.

"Where's Jonas," I asked.

"He didn't come back last night. The men asked me to wait there. I didn't know it was because of you," Mia turned to Aiden, whose face had turned as red as a tomato.

"You! What did you do to my baby girl," she tried to grab him for interrogation but it only made me feel shy.

"Mia, chill, stop it," I pulled her back.

Just as we were talking, the door next door opens and Jonas emerges holding Oliver's hand. That wasn't the worst of it. Jonas was shirtless while Oliver was dressed in a mid-thigh length short and what looked like Jonas' shirt. We all had our jaws drop to the ground.

"No freaking way!" Mia exclaimed.

"When did they get together?" I whispered to Aiden.

He shook his head saying he didn't know either. From the shy look on Oliver's face, this was likely a new development. Who was I to judge after what me and Aiden did last night?

"Why are you guys so loud in the morning?" Jonas asked, punching Aiden's shoulder.

"Did I interrupt your morning session?" Aiden asked.

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