Chapter Six

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Was this going to be the new normal?

For the sake of my sanity, I hoped not. There was no way I would survive if I ran into Aiden everywhere I went. I hated that he had to see me dressed like this. I never put so much effort into my outfit when going to buy groceries. I was so embarrassed, but I had to play it off because of Jessi.

It was simply unfair. I still remember my thoughts on our first night together. Unfortunately, my desire for him seems to increase with every meeting. I thought if I saw him less, these urges would disappear until I find the next handsome man to fuck and move on.

The universe wasn't playing fair and Mia knew it too. She stared at me as she made drinks for the three of us, making me feel even more guilty. I had not called her or returned any of her text messages.

She was going to kill me.

Jessi had taken us both to the nearest bar to get drinks, and that's how we ended up where Mia worked. My phone pinged repeatedly in the pocket of my jacket and I looked to see it was another series of messages from Mia.

"You owe me bitch,"

"Isn't that the hunk from the other day?"

"Did you fuck him?"

"I want all the tea,"

I smiled and decided to reply.

"I'll FaceTime you later," I texted.

"Bitch, you better," she texted back and went back to making drinks.

I smiled at her text, feeling a little better. Mia works for almost half the day and she spends the other half writing, so most of our conversations were via text. However, on some weekends, we'd sleep over for some real gossip. Mia always had tea.

As I put my phone away, I noticed Aiden was staring at me. How long has he been staring and, more importantly, what was he doing in this part of New York?

"I didn't think men like you lived in these parts," I say.

"I never said I lived around here," he replied with a smirk.

"Then why were you at the store?"

"It was me," Jessi cuts in. "I dragged his ass there to get any superb wine we could find. He needs to sleep,"

My heart skipped a beat. I hadn't for one second considered the fact Jessi was Aiden's new sleep partner. They spoke like they were close and they could be more.

I coughed and reached for my drink to take a sip.

"Are you ok?" Jessi asked.

"It's nothing, just a bit tired,"

"Still working on Harvey's mission?"


I focused on Jessi and avoided Aiden's gaze, but he kept his eyes on me. After a few minutes of watching them talk to each other in a comfortable way, with Aiden glancing my way frequently, I couldn't stop myself.

"You guys seem to be close," I say.

I didn't want to directly question their relationship because I had no right to, but my head was going wild with crazy guesses.

"Oh shit, what is going on in that head of yours?" Jessi laughed.

"I just like to be careful," I replied, laughing with her.

"Aiden is my cousin. His mom is my aunt and I call him my baby brother,"

"Don't you mean your slave?" Aiden asked.

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