Chapter Thirty-Three

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The atmosphere of my apartment changed after Jonas left. Oliver was bleeding at the mouth while Halo and Jessi stood in shock. Aiden helped Oliver up and offered to get him treated and then drive him home. Unfortunately, Oliver turned down his offer.

I knew things between Jonas and Oliver were heated, but couldn't they talk it out like adults? They were alone in the room for five minutes and one of them ended up bleeding.

The situation seemed like this was a first. Jonas had probably never hit someone he cared about before today.

"Nicole, we have to leave for work," Jessi said. "Will you be ok?"

"I'll be fine," I smiled.

"I have to leave and freshen up. I didn't know I'd be out for so long," Halo said.

I nodded in agreement and wished them a great day. Halo took my phone and installed an application on it. He tested it in front of me and I immediately knew what it was.

"Halo, I don't need a tracker," I said, shaking my head.

Aiden's shoulders straightened as he lunged for Halo's collar. He probably remembered when I got upset with him for putting a tracker on my phone without telling me.

Now that I considered the thought, things started to go haywire after that fight. Aiden suggested we should be friends and then the engagement happened. How did things happen so fast in just a few weeks?

"Relax Aiden," Halo said, pushing him away.

They were both muscular. If they ended up fighting like Jonas and Oliver did this morning, my apartment would take all the damage. Why did they have so much energy in the morning?

"Why are you putting a tracker on her?" Aiden asked.

"Just in case," Halo replied. "You don't know the full story. Worse things are bound to happen. I need to be able to find her if she disappears again,"

"Did you ask her if she wanted a tracking device on her?"

"How is that any of your business?"

"It is my business,"

The both of them continued arguing as though I was invincible. Jessi yawned and sank onto my couch. She was probably used to this display of testosterone. However, having two guys fight over me was new to me.

"I don't need protection," I said, interrupting their banter.

"Nicole-" Halo started, but I cut him short.

"I'm not a child anymore. If she comes to harass me, I'll call the cops if I have to,"

He didn't look like he believed me. If there was anyone who understood the true nature of my relationship with my mother, it was probably Halo. Aiden was confused, but he went along pretty well.

I was surprised he was even here. Every time we shared gazes with each other. I could tell he was aching to tell me something. Aiden sighed and released Halo. They both fixed themselves and prepared to leave. Mia packed up and joined them.

Aiden left his things in my apartment as he made his way to the door. I know it was probably an excuse for me to let him in later. I wasn't ready to listen. With what my mother was proposing, I refused to drag him into my family problems.

"Stay indoors today and lock yourself in. Mia will be back after her shift," Aiden said. "I know we still haven't had the chance to talk, but if anything happens, you can call me,"

Was he really asking me to depend on him? Did he understand the implications of that?

I nodded, even though I had no plan of doing that. If something happened, I would call Mia first because she always knew what to do. Aiden didn't even know why I was getting harassed. How could he possibly help me?

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