Chapter 32 - An obviously guilty pair

Start from the beginning


 Sex education?!

 For a six-year-old?!


Baizhu's POV

 "He's pissed." I commented as Wriothesley stormed back out the door angrily.

 But of course, I got no answer.

 Not with Neuvillette's attention fully being taken away by the kid.

 "Mister, I'm hungry."

 "I know. I'm sorry for making you miss breakfast." He said gently.

 "That's okay. It's still early. What's for breakfast? Can I eat something sweet this time?" 

 "What about the cereal you wanted yesterday?"

 "You have it?!"

 "I had someone bring it last evening-"

 Neuvillette didn't get to finish his words as a small kiss was placed on his cheek before Sigewinne ran off.

 "Thank you, mister! You are the best! Well, the best after Dad!" She shouted as she disappeared into the kitchen.

 As for Neuvillette...

 He was left crouching on the ground completely frozen solid.

 "Neuvillette." I called out.

 No answer.

 "Neuvillette." I tried again.

 Still nothing.

 I knew better than to shock him with a sudden touch so I walked over to the couch, grabbed a pillow, and tossed it at him instead.

 That worked.


 "Is in the kitchen."

 Without saying another word he just stood up and went after the child.


 You would think that he would have gotten used to affection from children by now.

 I waited as Neuvillette watched over Sigewinne as she ate her breakfast, his face tinted suspiciously red.

 Because of Neuvillette's stubbornness, I had to wait it out till Wriothesley came back inside before we got to his examination.

 His reasoning?

 You shouldn't leave such a young child on their own.

 I didn't have the heart to tell him that most parents would just toss a phone to the child and let them sit around on the couch alone.

 Not that what the two spent their time on was much different.

 They sat down on the couch, each a book in hand, and read in silence till Wriothesley came back.

 It took almost half an hour from when we got back to his house till I finally had Neuvillette alone in his room.

 "Everything alright during the past month?" I asked, unpacking my things.

 The rustling of clothes behind me which indicated that Neuvillete was removing his clothes stopped for a split second before resuming.

 Well, that's not good.

 And sure enough...


 "Are you going to tell me what happened?" I tried.

 As I asked this, my gaze involuntarily shifted to the bookshelf in the corner to a small space that was all too empty.


 "Neuvillette, where is the box with the sedative I gave you?"

 "I'm guessing Wriothesley took it." He answered after a moment of silence.

 "You're guessing?"

 "I have yet to find it in myself to ask."

 Yeah, but why would he have it in the first place?

 "Neuvillette, why-"

 Knock. Knock.

 "This is Wriothesley. Mind if I come in for a sec? I have something I should probably return."


 Just in time.

 Not waiting for Neuvillette's obviously incoming protest I opened the door to see Wriothesley awkwardly holding the small box I had been looking for.

 I was just about to say something when I saw his eyes narrow dangerously and the next second I found myself getting pushed aside as he walked into the room, slamming the door shut.

 What the-

 The next thing I knew he was grabbing Neuvillette by the shoulder glaring at the barely healed bullet wound on his shoulder.

 Damn it!

 I forgot Neuvillette had to take his clothes off for the examination and was now practically naked safe for his underwear.

 Considering I have known Neuvillette for years now, I wasn't too surprised when the next thing I saw was Neuvillette reacting to suddenly getting grabbed by slamming Wriothesley face down.

 It was, however, surprising that he had enough consideration to throw him onto the bed and not the ground.



 This is certainly not an all-too-pleasant development.

 "Ugh... Neuvillette... Let go of my neck and arm, will you?" Wriothesley groaned, seemingly not all too disturbed by the sudden development.

 His words snapped Neuvillette out of his daze, causing him to stagger back a few steps.

 "Ah... This... I apologize! I-"

 "Enough apologizing. This is clearly my fault. Again. I shouldn't have grabbed you like that. I'm sorry."

 Shockingly enough, Neuvillette didn't protest against his words.


 I was totally expecting something along the lines of:

 'No, no, no. It's definitely not your fault. This is all my fault. You are not to blame.'

 But he actually stayed silent?!

 Neuvillette of all people actually acknowledged that something was mostly another party's fault?

 What a miracle.



 "What does he mean by 'again'? Has this happened before?" I looked at them suspiciously.

 They both flinched slightly.

 My eyes quickly narrowed in on Wriothesley who was grabbing his neck, rubbing it where Neuvillette had just grabbed him.

 That bruise...

 I didn't comment on it before but...

 "You two. Explain. Now."

 Right this instant.

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