Chapter 31 - Saving the doctor in distress

Start from the beginning


 Our ride to pick up Baizhu was luckily peaceful.

 Well, mostly.

 Sigewinne naturally didn't allow for the time to pass in silence.

 "Don't you have to go to work, mister?"

 "It's my day off."

 "But I remember you telling me that the weekend days are your days off." She pointed out.

 "I'm taking an extra day off." I explained.

 "You can do that? But isn't your job super important?"

 "I got lucky today. I didn't have any meetings scheduled. I can finish whatever paperwork I miss tomorrow."

 "Wow! That's nice. My dad can't do that."

 "That's because your father's job is even more important."


 "Really. I can only start mine once he is done with his, you know."

 "Wow! I knew it! Dad is the best!" She beamed with excitement.

 The ride passed just like that and we quickly reached our destination.

 He really wasn't all that far off from my house.

 Couldn't this wait?

 I wanted to be hugged a bit longer.


 What the hell are you thinking, Neuvillette?

 Pull yourself together.

 As soon as we got there I spotted Baizhu arguing with a police officer holding his bag.

 Another two officers were searching the taxi while a fourth had a man, who I assume was the driver, in custody.


 Here we go again.

 "Should I take care of it?" Wriothesley offered as I unbuckled my seatbelt.

 "No need. This shouldn't take time. It's not the first time."

 "Not the first time that he almost got kidnapped?"

 "Not the first time that he almost got arrested." I sighed.

 I got out of the car and attempted to walk up to them only to be stopped by one of the officers.

 "You shouldn't come here, sir. We are in the middle of an investigation and have a dangerous criminal in custody."

 "You also have my client in custody and unrightfully so." I retorted.

 "Excuse me?"

 "I'm his lawyer." I pointed to Baizhu.

 The officer gave me a once over and I had to take a deep breath.

 I swear to god if he dares to judge me off my clothes today of all days it won't end well.

 Luckily for him-

 "Neuvillette! You're finally here!" Baizhu called out.

 He and the other officer who he had been talking to approached us before this guy could make a comment on my clothes.

 "Oh dear. Did I drag you out of bed?" He joked.

 "What's going on here?" I asked, ignoring his previous comment.

 "Are you this man's lawyer?" The officer next to Baizhu asked.

 "Yes, and I would very much like to know why you are detaining my client."

 It's cold, I'm tired, and I was dragged out of a nice and warm hug for this so you better have a damn good reason.

 "Your client has a bag full of unlabelled substances coupled with a syringe filled with a prescription sedative not under his name in his jacket."

 Oh, for god's sake!

 Baizhu label your things!

 This is the third time this has happened!



 "You said you found a syringe in his jacket?"

 "Yes, we-"

 "Was he wearing a said jacket?" I interrupted.

 "I had it tied around my waist. It fell off after I got out of the car and one of them grabbed it." Beizhu explained.

 Well, that certainly makes my job easier.

 "Officer, why did you search his bag? He was the passenger, maybe even a potential victim, not the suspect." I started.

 "We had reasonable cause-"

 "What reasonable course could you possibly have to search his belongings? Even if you did, what about his jacket? A body search cannot be performed even if there is reasonable cause for suspicion unless he is under arrest. Is my client under arrest, officer?"

 "No, but-"

 "There is no but. Even if his jacket fell off his waist as he got out, it had been on his person until then. That means you found the syringe illegally and whatever reason you have for searching his bag can be questionable at best."


 "Now, I will give you two minutes to return all my client's belongings and release him. If you wish to search his belongings, arrest him, or get a warrant." I ended the conversation.

 The officer's mouth opened a few times to speak but eventually, he handed Baizhu's bag over.

 Just as I thought. They didn't have a cause reasonable enough to hold up in court.

 "We will be contacting you after we get a warrant, Mr. Baizhu. Do not leave the country till then." He warned.

 "Oh, why of course." Baizhu smiled.

 After making sure he had everything I led him to the car.

 "They will not get that warrant, will they?"

 "No, they won't."

 It is quite simple to prevent them from getting one.

 However, not all ways are completely legal.

 "As for leaving the country...?"

 "Do as you wish."

 We stopped the conversation once we got to the car and I showed him to the front seat.

 I'm not letting him sit with Sigewinne in the back. This guy is an awful influence.

 When I got into the back seat, it became obvious that he had not been paying attention when he got in.

 He was now looking at Wriothesley in complete shock.


 "Wriothesley, this is Baizhu, my personal doctor. Biazhu, this is Wriothesley. He is staying at my place for a while. And-"

 "I'm Sigewinne!" Sigewinne chimed in sticking her head between the front seats.

 Baizhu just blinked a few times in silence before turning to me.

 "Neuvillette... What the f*ck?"

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