The Days We Spent

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Deets: Shinez - WC 4505 - Written by user @harunaz at - [G]

sweat streamed down kazuha's exposed back, her breathing pacing faster and faster by the second. yunjin's mouth formed a wide grin, watching the latter struggle to catch her breath every second. kazuha's chest was now heaving up and down rapidly as she succumbed to the soreness in her legs. a loud voice snapped her back into reality.

"wow, you broke your record." yunjin pushed herself upright, sitting a few feet away from a sweaty and tired kazuha. her face covering her hands, she was practically glistening under the bright lights of the room. "99." yunjin observed her as the younger's reactions grew into an annoyed one, it was entertainment for her. "man! that's only one more than last time." kazuha groaned out of frustration, flailing her arms around before ultimately settling back down on the ground, her eyebrows furrowed.

yunjin scooted herself over closer to kazuha. her smile widening into a toothy grin the second she saw kazuha's face. "you told me to join you for your daily workout session, looks like it helped?" she smugly remarked. kazuha shot up to face yunjin properly, her entire face flushed. "no- no! that's not true!" her sudden response had yunjin doubling over in laughter.

"i just..wanted someone to keep track." now that is a bold face lie, in reality, kazuha mustered up the courage in her room after pacing around like an idiot to ask yunjin for a mere favor- which was to accompany her during her daily workout session.

did it work out in the end? ... perhaps. she wanted to use this time as a way to bond with yunjin more. although that never really worked out as in the midst of her workout, she always caught yunjin staring at her with admiration, leaving kazuha a flushing, red mess.

her clothes felt restrictive, so kazuha took that as an opportunity to hastily make her exit; but not without yunjin interfering. "where are you going?" the older stood the second kazuha did. "to shower." in that moment, yunjin kept her mouth shut. there was nothing for her to say, nor could she say 'i'll follow you!'- and that would be.. too much.

"oh yeah.. go for it." yunjin watched kazuha stand up from her spot on the ground, leaving the room quickly with the door closing shut. meaning it was only her in the room all along by herself, she covered her face in her hands and let out a frustrated groan. the silence in the room wasn't helping either, yunjin covered her face with her brown hair. just hoping the ground would open up and eat her whole.

to put it bluntly- yunjin has been struggling for the past few days with whether or not to reveal her true feelings towards kazuha, her roommate for as long as she can remember. her prolonged contemplation has led to strange groaning noises she didn't even know she could make. kazuha was always doing something every day that would throw her off the edge, she was supposed to sit there and act like she just didn't want to drop everything and connect her lips with kazuha's right then and there.

everything started in high school, where they first met, a shy and quiet kazuha who sat back in the back of class while there was a loud and proud yunjin who was an extrovert and made friends with everybody she could. it was not a pair you'd exactly imagine living together. it took several years for yunjin to realize that her heartbeat would elevate when kazuha would do something small such as brush over her hands or any form of skin contact. the moment she realized, she was lucky she was alone after all of that screaming.

for kazuha.. yunjin doesn't know yet. she enjoys the friendship that they currently have together but believes it'll never go further than that. she's unsure of the latter's feelings towards her and she fears she'll never get to know them until then, and that's the last thing she'd ever want. yunjin was the type of person to make her break out into hysterics out of nowhere, even when yunjin hadn't been made aware if kazuha was in a horrible mood, she'd always find a way to make kazuha smile- it didn't matter if it was small. she was always smiling with yunjin, and she wouldn't change that for the world.

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