Meatfeast Pizza

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Deets: Summerz - WC 8831 - Written by user @Kazuh3363 at - [M w/ G!P Zuha]

Kazuha parallel parks her car before stepping out, the cold breeze biting her skin almost immediately as she closes the car door and locks it.

It's the last delivery on her shift for the day, the sun having already set to unveil a black screen of sky, thankfully this neighbourhood doesn't look particularly dangerous, and she can take her time walking to the building displayed on her receipt.

Kazuha doesn't mind this job, it pays well and she spends most of her time in the solitude of her beat up volkswagen, only having to interact with customers at the door as she hands them their pizzas, a job fit for an introvert like herself. Sure, she's encountered a handful of rude people expecting unrealistic customer service, and on other occasions she's been constantly harassed for her number by girls who look either way too young or way too old. But all in all, this job is probably the most decent one she's worked, low effort and moderately rewarding, which is all she wants, she already stresses too much majoring in dance. She looks up at the apartment complex, wondering who's on the other end of that door, maybe it's another student like her, she rereads the receipt, specifically the name displayed above the order of a large meatfeast pizza.


It rolls off her tongue well.

Kazuha hums to herself as she punches in the button to take her to the third floor. She leans onto the elevator wall in exhaustion, her body is so tense, aching from hours of gruelling dance practice with no rest. She needs a cold shower as soon as she gets home, maybe a massage on the weekend, or maybe she just needs to call Sakura over to blow off some steam. The elevator dings, Kazuha trudges out and into the corridor, stopping in front of the door with the single pizza in her left hand.

She rings the doorbell, reading and rereading the door number as she waits, she can't wait to go home. The door opens, and Kazuha startles out of her daze, flinching as she steadies her body again to focus on who opens the door.

"P-pizza delivery." Kazuha stutters, because this girl is so fucking hot.

The person who opens the door is a girl, as guessed by the name on the receipt, but she's not just any girl. She's gorgeous, even simply in her baby pink, satin chemise that hugs her curves just right. It's absurd, how attractive this woman is, and Kazuha has to make a conscious effort not to look down at the generous cleavage she knows is on display, certain her face is already red.

"How much cash do you need for that?" The girl speaks, her voice as silky and sultry as her clothing, Kazuha finally looks up from her spot on the floor to see the girl's face properly.

She's exactly her type. Although Kazuha's type isn't exactly rare to come across, seeing as though it's just 'pretty women', this girl has to top the list of everyone she's seen. Her face is small, but her features are so big, full lips and doe eyes rest atop tan skin, shades of pink and shades of brown that make Kazuha want to stare, but she breaks her gaze before she does, completely oblivious to the other girl studying her frame just as intently.

"Uh- twenty dollars," Kazuha offers a tired smile, pulling her stupid pizza cap down to cover her blushing face better, god, she probably looks like such a loser wearing this embarrassing uniform in front of this attractive girl. Kazuha bites her lip nervously, the girl looks somewhat around her age, and she could smell the huge waft of expensive perfume as soon as the door opened.

"It's kind of cold, do you want to wait inside while I look for my purse?" Chaewon shudders slightly, and now Kazuha can't help but blatantly drop her gaze down to the sight of her hardened nipples through the thin satin silk, immediately regretting it as soon as she does.

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