Chapter 41: It's Not Over

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-Third Person POV-

After Garmadon delivered the final attack, the crystal serpent wrapping Harumi disappeared. Harumi, still in her own mind, was suddenly confronted by a mysterious light that took the form of a young man similar to Harumi's age.

Still horrified at what happened to her with the serpent, Harumi took a stance and prepared herself.

"It's okay, Harumi." The man spoke. "I'm not here to hurt you. I'm just here to tell you that everything is alright and you no longer have to fight for the Overlord."

Harumi did not like those last words. "No longer? Are you saying... I'm... dead...?"

"It depends on how this will end." He replied.

"What do you mean?" She said.

Ignoring her question, "What do you define 'Dead'?" He questioned her instead.

Harumi got annoyed that he was avoiding her question. "Hey! Answer my question!"

He continued to ignore her question. "Did you die after you lost your parents to the Great Devourer? Did you die when you lost your life after saving that boy your King corrupted? Or did you die when your parents called you a monster and abandoned you?" He replied.

Harumi got really ticked off and confused, confused about the monster statement. How did this man know about her loss, death and arrival in the Departed Realm?

"What do you care!?!" Harumi shouted.

"Many fear Death for different reasons, but you... you're trying so hard to avoid it that you're willing to join the Overlord." He said.

"So what if I'm trying to avoid Death!?! If I die... I will go back to my Eternal Despair. The Departed Realm. The World where my parents abandoned me!!!" Harumi argued. "The Overlord will not only end Death, but he will also bring back Love, the love of my parents... he promised me!!!"

He sighed "And that is why you are struggling so much. The Fear of Hatred from your family. That is why Garmadon spared you."

"Garmadon?" Harumi stared.

"Unlike Lloyd, who was willing to end it, Garmadon chose to save you from the Darkness." He explained. "Harumi, Garmadon did it because he loves you like a daughter."

Harumi couldn't help but remember that Night. The Night when Garmadon decided to accept Harumi and consider her his own child.

"But that's not the only reason." He added, making Harumi curious. "He did it because he wants to give you another chance. A chance to make things right for ALL the people you have hurt. A chance to live a life to the fullest. A chance for Love."

"Chance..." Harumi spoke slowly. "Even if I did want another chance... it's far too late."

"It's never too late to amend." He replied. "Look at Garmadon. He is fighting for what's right despite everything that has happened to him."

"But the Overlord..." Harumi clenched her fists.

"Even if what he said about your family 'loving' you is true... Love doesn't mean anything if it's not given willingly." He said. "I can't promise anything, but I can say this... Death is just a way to a New Beginning. A beginning everyone, including the immortals, will have to take. The sooner you realise your errors and the true meaning of Life and Death, the better you will be. And maybe... just maybe... your parents, when you meet them, they will LOVE you again."

Before Harumi could add anything, the man started disappearing slowly, but before he vanished entirely...

"WAIT!!! Who are you?" Harumi wanted to know his name.

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