Chapter 21. Dreaming is a disease.

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"He might. '' I granted...unsure and too perplexed of what could be said "But if that is how he emends one mistake or suffices a situation, then his path and mine shall never be bonded with. I am too gentle to endure his violence. He threatened my friend and left me humiliated....again. You were right, I was innocent from this....Until he stained my image and put me in the middle, in the eye of the hurricane. I could endure his sights, his stares, as long as they remained as that. He wounded my perception of him, but looks are tangible and can easily be was never Tyler's intention to wound me, he did it as a foolish action. He...purposely attempted to hurt him. We haven't even shared a word and all I can think is in how...."

Words lacked in my tongue, I struggled to keep hidden the true sentiments of my heart... but not even the mechanic machine knew.

"Wretchedness, egocentric, cruel, careless... That's who he is in the day. But in the dark, alone in the woods there was a kindness to him.... It was strange. He was, is, a stranger. I was freezing possibly hallucinating and he emended, he gave me.....I don't know. Something. Oliver, in the dark I've never felt as safe with someone like him, so cared. I just-I..... He shows the worst in light and guards the best for the dark...almost as if he is ashamed of the kindness he once showed me, as if he never wanted to remember to acknowledge...Oliver I honestly I'm completely and absolutely baffled. I don't know what to think. If his action should be redeemed or should be seen as a threat. Despite everything, every warning, every look, every comment they've made of him, I still think there is something beyond him....something, maybe its my imagination talking or my own illusion but i think something in him, deep down, might be good."

The ringing commenced. The texts begun to appear. My telephone  recorded every message, of every  metiche who wanted to know EVERYTHING related to Spencer. It was cruel really to text me. Text him, ask him. 

I grabbed the deviled square.

Jane: it is settled, the new acquisition is a lunatic. Andrew, we are glad you are saint, someone had to balance the devil (:

Tyler: It is agreed, he is nuts and I am ALSO a saint. Didn't you see how he pressed his hand on me?

Ping: He did what?! Why?

Jane: Uh....Tyler whistled at Ale and well, he sort of, jumped to the rescue? But in a mean way, a really mean way....though, he has more angles in his jawline than the maths sheets combined... :))))

Mary: Oh, I do hope Ale is okay....With Spencer, perhaps he was simply helping out and the action got mistaken. Jane, I truly don't believe you can fully know a person in one day! Either way, you saw it.....

Andrew: We are home and he won't talk to me. The principal called my mom so she's talking to him right now....He might get suspended though.

Thanks Mary, you are right, he is never violent and today...he might have exploded for some strange reason not even I know. He is very closed but he's okay. Trust me, he is a good guy... Strange, but a good guy.

Despite my attempts the buzzing and their enigmatic minds would never cease to comprehend the actual reason: it was our perfectly bonded secret only us fully understood....yet it was a secret I could never prevail on.

I, with cowardly fingers afraid to press the key, valiantly and foolishly: replied to their messages.

I believe that Ty and, you, Andrew can not be excused as saints, you did a stupid thing intended for comical purposes, that was designed by a child's play. he.... took it more seriously. We cannot be as cruel as to judge a person by one thing he did, you know how I think, we are all multilayered. Today was simply one of those tonalities of grey. I think. At least that is what I think, and for once I hope I'm right.

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