Chapter 10. If they're true friends they'll understand....or not.

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The sun glowed with an irregular glimmer, unlike most days. It  increasing its shimmer at each passing second and, by doing so, debilitated my will to escape the homey jail. My phone rang: the buzzing stopped my heart but my hand reached out for it: Oliver it read.

What did you do?!

Where were you?!

We know your safe, what the hell did you do?

I am coming to your house and Jane knows!

You were taken OUT from the WOODS?!

What the hell were you doing there?


Oliver, my best friend, was coming, and he had completely freaked out about my supposed 'escape' but you can't really call it an escape if I only got to the woods behind my house. But of course, he was more a drama queen than me, worse, a bigger drama queen than any woman in her period. 1.70, green eyes, and bouncy golden curly hair, he had been my best friend since we started high school but I knew him since we were babies. We had been together in the same school since eternity, but thats up until he got expelled. Nothing too bad, he simply had a very strong connection to his emotions, anger specifically. Nevertheless, I loved him with all my heart, he had been there for me since day 1, he always made sure I was okay....

I replied to him as calm as my fingertips would allow me too:

I am fine, don't worry. I was a fool, but miraculously.... I am fine.

I'll tell you when you come but for the meantime, chill and drive safe.

Let me know when you are here.


I sent the text, purposely excluding the revolution of my heart. I believe the word 'saved' fits more into the description of my past successes; but he wouldn't understand the immensity of successes that have come to pass in such a short time: diminutive successes to a superficial beholder, heart wrenching for my sensitive heart. The teadoros' had turned into our thing, he was a hard shell to break through, but every time I finish a text I say that and it worked... even he started saying them. He is the most loyal and beautifuyl person i've ever met, sure a little crazy and somehat mildly passionate about his fists and american football, but still adorable. He's my best friend, I have bragging privileges.

Don't give me the teadoro crap, were having a serious talk.

You scared the shit out of me you dumbass like what the fuck?

I am the one who does these things and not even me. I am pissed.

I waited a couple of seconds.


See? A complete sweetheart.

The door, without any previous introduction, rang a deafening vibration that echoed across the photo-decorated walls; I sprinted into the corridor, down the stairs and breathless opened the door. I was exhausted and a bit ill, but not too much, nothing a few blankets and medicine wouldn't fix. After all, half my childhood was already spent like this, what would a couple more days do?

"Took you long enough" Olivers' squeaky tone gilded with an open smile yet thoughtless eyes.

"Good morning to you too. My heart, my lungs and my muscles are exhausted. It is your lucky day I wore the anti-slippery socks or I would be on the floor" my laughter scattered across the room, he eyed me daringly

"I know about your amazing ability to end up on the floor, I've been the one who gets you up and wipes your butt off the leaves! Honestly, I am seriously concerned, what is wrong with you?"

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