"And the rest?"

"They kind of agreed."

"But you shouldn't let it bother you." Kiley dismissed quickly. "It'll pass over by like a week."

August didn't have the ability to remain sane for a week.

Yet not one could know that, so August only scoffed as a response. "I honestly don't care." She shook her head. "Gabby can say whatever she wants but it won't change the fact that her own boyfriend and the dude that she's been in love with since 8th grade wants me."

This version of August was what was seen the most: mean, cocky, arrogant, careless, and any other adjective that fits that category. She polished all those traits on her with ease as she made all the bad parts of it shine on her with beauty despite all its ugliness.

"That's the spirit!" Grace exclaimed before turning towards Kiley with a grin. "I told you she'd be fine."

"Right." Kiley mumbled in uncertainty.

"Anyways we'll see you later!" Grace waved. "I'm trying to take a different route to class so I can see Cole!"

With that they left, yet even then August didn't allow her expression to change into the pure feelings that she felt right now, she made sure she suppressed it.

˖*°࿐ •*⁀➷

"You're still going to Will's opening night, right?" Isaac questioned.

As of this moment they were in the theater room with Alex, Danny, and Nathan considering it was quite obvious that August didn't want to go to lunch and be met with billions of people whispering about her. Everyone in the room right now made sure that what Gabby said wasn't mentioned, knowing well that the topic was not a really good one to bring up.

So therefore Will's opening night was their conversation as she slumped in the seat next to Isaac after having had helped Danny rehears again, finding that Alex sat beside her while Nathan beside Isaac.

       "Yup." Was all August had said in response while laying her head on the Garcia boy, simply playing with the string attached to his leather jacket.

       Since having had fooled everyone that they were together, gestures as this were constantly done that they were now a habit.

Yet the movement still had the ability to shock Isaac, this one in particular caused him to glance down at her, eventually deciding that the best course of action was to take her hand in his, rubbing his thumb along the lines of her knuckle in hopes that it lifted her mood. He really, really wanted to lift her mood.

       "Have you talked to Jackie today?" Alex quizzed, changing the subject again as he eyed her with genuine concern of the topic. "She seemed off."

       "Haven't seen her once today."

Everyone shared a look at her lack of regular enthusiasm.

"Well uh, thank you for helping me rehears." Danny then piped up.

"It was fun." She just nodded.

Cinnamon girl ✧ Isaac GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now