Chapter 28 - The second call

Start from the beginning

 It feels safe.

 Just like...

 Just like that hug last night...

 Would he hug me once more if I asked him to?


 Stop it, Neuvillette.

 Don't get too greedy.

 It's no good to get carried away.

 Let's just get this over with.

 With a nod from Wriothesley, I turned the page.

 It was another written record of a call to the emergency number.

 His whole body stiffened, probably having skimmed through the first few lines of the script.

 I tried to ignore it but to no avail. I couldn't stop the sense of dread rising within me.

 After all, what's written here is one of my biggest faults up to date.

 27 years ago, eight months after the first call

 This time I dialed the number much more calmly.

 Perhaps too calmly, in fact, looking at the situation.

 "Hello. What is your emergency?"

 "I would like to report a murder." I said.

 "Excuse me? A murder?"


 "Did you witness the act being commited-"

 "No. I did it."

 There was a short silence on the other end followed by some shuffling.

 The next voice that spoke was no longer the same as the first.

 "Please excuse me. It is my colleague's first day. I thought it would be better for me to take over. Is that okay?"

 The voice belonged to an older woman. Far more calm, more experienced than the first.

 "That's fine. Take your time." I answered.

 A few more seconds of silence followed and the next time she spoke her voice was much more stable, probably having adjusted the microphone.

 "Could you tell me your name?"

 "Neuvillette. My name is Neuvillette."

 "Then Neuvillete, can you give me the address that you are at?"

 I let out a small sigh after I told her the address.

 They should be here in around 15 minutes.

 It will be over then.

 "How old are you? You sound young." The old lady asked through the phone.

 "I turned nine today." I answered. 

 "You killed someone?"


 "Can you tell me whom?" She asked.

 "My mother. I killed my mother."

 And now she was gone.

 Now the pain would be gone...

 "Is it okay if I ask you to tell me how?"



 "She had been arguing with someone and they dropped a gun on the floor. I picked it up, aimed it, and pulled the trigger. The next thing I knew, I was outside in the grass."

 I completely blacked out. I remember almost nothing after pulling the trigger.

 "Did you have the gun aimed at your mother or the other person in the room?" She asked.

 "At my mother."

 "Did you have a reason to aim it at her?"

 "They were arguing about how much money they could still make off of me. She thought the amount the other guy expected to get was far too high. She said that there was no way I would still be worth that much."

 And with that one thing, I agree.

 I wouldn't be worth much.

 Not after everything...

 "Can you just tell all of this to the people you're sending this way? I'm too tired to explain it again."

 Even now, I could already feel my eyes threaten to close.


 Before I forget.

 "Could you have someone take me to the hospital?"

 "Are you hurt?"

 "No, but I've been coughing up blood for over a week now so I thought a checkup would be good."

 It's not like something like this had never happened before.

 But at least now that I can, I'll ask someone to maybe lessen the pain a bit.

 There was a short silence on the other end after my words.

 "I'll make sure to have an ambulance come as well." She said after a few moments.

 "Thank you."

 I felt tired.

 So, so tired.

 I just want to sleep.

 I don't care anymore.

 I don't want to think anymore.

 "Are you still there, Neuvillette?"

 "Still here." I mumbled.



 "Can you stay awake for just two more minutes?" She asked gently.

 Two minutes...

 Two minutes I can do.

 "Yeah... Sure..."

 I should be able to...

 Two minutes aren't that long.


 "Two minutes..."

 Just two minutes...

 "I can stay awake for... two..."

 The last thing I heard before falling asleep were sirens and fast-approaching footsteps.

 They got here early.

 That's nice...

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