6.isha is a bad bitch

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Isha pov .
I was sleeping after a hectic night and suddenly the phone rang i picked up the call and said "hello ! " " Hello bacha ! U wake up ?how was the wedding . Sorry we could not come as papa had work . " Said ma from phone call ."it's ok !it was good and now I m tired pls let me sleep 😴 " i was getting irritating . "Hmm , I wanted to tell u actually we got a proposal for your marriage,so I was saying -" I cut her and said "saying what maa I will not marry any random person and pls don't start with the emotional drama cuz I'm not listening to anyone " I said little loudly I heard sigh and she said "ok but I will not say them no . U force them to say no . I'm sending you the address and number  . go say them by yourself and remember we will not bear any insult as he is the business partner of your dad "by saying this she cut the call .
Why ! I have to marry someone random whom i don't even know his name  .arrh !!
I was lost in my thoughts and suddenly Kiara jumped on me and asked what happened . She was thinking and suddenly smiled not a normal one but devilish smile. When I raised my eyebrow , she said "every family wants a perfect wife why not u become the opposite of it . I mean everyone wants quite a shy and sweet well behaved girl but u will become a total badass bitch "
I smiled and messaged them in our group chat and they agreed to go tomorrow .
The next morning
All the girls reached my house and we took my car and left

 The next morning All the girls reached my house and we took my car and left

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Our outfit ...

We reached the Shekhawat  house and started the drama where I was the lead of course.
I said to the guard  "hey you old man , come on open the door ." He hurriedly opened the door after knowing our names and we moved inside . Then we knocked at the main door when a cute boy opened the door.
Isha this is not the time to drool.  my inner thoughts screamed
I said to that boy "hey u servant ! Call your boss " " excuse me 🤬 i am not a servant i'm harsh shekhawat . "He said Kiara nudged at me and showed her eyes maybe she was trying to say something but I couldn't understand . Dumb me !!
Harsh was smiling at Kiara and Kiara was looking at siara with frightened look but I couldn't understand their convo. Oops ! Leave it !suddenly from inside the house spoke "who is at the door harsh ?" He came towards the door and move aside the harsh and looked at me .he was way taller than me . He was giving the look 'dont you dare to mess with me '. He was veer shekhawat a known businessman. Wait wait ... Did he sent me the proposal . I raised my eyebrow and shouted "you scumbag ! Don't you have shame left ! U look like 50 years old man and wants to marry sweet sixteen " siara nd Kiara sain in union "u are 25 Ishu..." I gave them a look and said "whatever I m sweet 25 then 💅"i heard from behind but don't dare to look back .
He said " do I look like a 50 year old man ! I m just 32 year old and I'm not marrying you . I'm already married " I looked at him disgustingly and looked behind him there were many people sitting at the dining table enjoying the drama and then my eyes got stuck on Hazel Ali : the famous lawyer and my celeb crush .🙈. I shoved him aside and went to her and squealed in excitement .

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