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I take a few pictures of students hanging around at lunch in the cafeteria, I no longer seemed to care about what Lia had to say but she complained about how I looked like one of those nerdy kids in the movies.

All I had to do was tell her she reminded me of one of those hookers from grand theft auto and she was pretty silent.

I drop the camera off at my locker when I hear a shuffle beside me, when I look over I see Christian leaning against the locker beside me.

"Why won't you leave me alone," I tell him and he chuckles a bit.

"Just because we may have made out doesn't mean I wanna be near you," he says causing me to roll my eyes.

Despite my reaction, it feels like a sharp pain in my chest and again I fucking hate it.

"Yet here you are like a lost puppy at my feet," I say.

"So you still have breakdowns?" He asks referring to yesterday.

I take a deep breath as I close my locker, "For someone who doesn't want to be near me, you sure are clingy,"

I walk past him but I'm enclosed when he walks in front of me and puts his hand against one of the lockers.

He leans down right next to my ear and whispers, "Clingy isn't really my thing, but you can't hide from your friends forever,"

I gaze up at him with knitted brows, "What do you want from me?"

He grins a bit a devious smile playing on his lips but before he can answer a loud voice echoes through the corridors.

"What the hell are you doing?" I hear a voice which causes me to curse under my breath.

"You sure are annoying," I hear Christian mutter as he gets pushed back a few feet away from me, somehow he manages to stay stable.

"Aidan, do not," I say stepping in front of them.

"You're defending this dude?" He questions, gesturing his hand towards Christian who seems way too calm.

He has his hands in his front pockets and a sly smile is on his lips.

"Why would I defend him?" I question, "You've already had two strikes this one semester, I don't want you to get in trouble,"

Christian scoffs, "He has way more than two strikes, yet he's still here in his poorly ironed trousers, can't daddy afford someone to iron your clothes,"

Another sinisterly smile plays on his lips, "Probably not, because daddy's money keeps giving contributions to the school so you can stay isn't that right, Aidan,"

Aidan's fist clenches and I rest my hand on his chest to stop him from moving forward, "He's being an asshole it's who he is, he wants a reaction,"

"He might just fucking get it," he says through clenched teeth.

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