Raincation Part 2

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The dinner was chaotic as usual. Ivy was horny because Leo gave her a light spanking when he saw her dressing up. Which turned into a small make out session that turned into her being super horny.

They were having dinner, butPia was screaming that she wanted chicken nuggets and not what we bought.
"Come on sweetie this tastes good, try it" Leo says forking a piece of lasagna.
"Noo" she replies pushing his hand away.
"Eat this right now little girl before I spank your ass right here and make you eat broccoli" Ivy threatens irritated with her tantrums.

Pia looks at Ivy and starts to quier with tears. "Wow someone is testy today" Luke mutters loud enough that Ivy heard it. Leo was giving Ivy an amused look which soon changes to a glare as Ivy says "You wanna test it Mr? Because if you do, you will be eating a shit ton of brocolli" to Luke. "Language Ivy" Leo reprimands Ivy, to which she just rolls her eyes. Leo has had enough by now and tells Ivy "stand up, go take a walk for few minutes and come back with a good attitude"

Ivy looks scared at Leo using his dom voice at her, especially in front of kids. She doesn't wanna back down and tells him back "you Mr, did this to me" and walks away from the table.

Kids are looking at them, feeling a lot of different emotions. Some, giggle at Ivy for being scolded by Leo, some kids looks scared at seeing them fighting. But as soon as Ivy goes, Leo tells them to eat their dinner.

20 mins passed in silence and to Leo's surprise, Pia is eating without a fuss.

Thinking enough is enough, Leo says  "I'm gonna check on your mom, be good" looking at the kids. He goes in to check on her, but couldn't find her anywhere in the restaurant. Taking his phone out, he calls her, but she cancels it. Leo starts to worry and messages her "where are you? I'm looking for you in the restaurant. Come back to the table please."

Ivy was in an intense session with her pussy seeing as the kids and Leo wasnt here, she was utilising it. She doesn't have permission to cum, but Leo did this. He made her horny, and she can't take it anymore. Keeping a slave training videos where the slave is pussy flogged and made to cum, she plays her favourite vibe on her pussy, imagining it's Leo doing it to her. Ivy was getting to her much needed climax when Leo calls her. Frustrated, she cancels the call. But then gets scared, because he hates being cancelled unless there is a specific reason, which, wanting to cum without permission is not, for sure. Ivy lets out a frustrated screech, when she sees Leo's text.

"where are you? I'm looking for you in the restaurant. Come back to the table please." it said.

Ivy replies "I'm busy"

But knowing Leo and his strict implements, she texts again saying "I'm in our room. Don't worry. Finish your dinner and come back".

"Be ready to PAY UP when I get there, Young lady."Leo replied and goes back to the kids.

Jeff asks "where is Ivy?" trying to look behind Leo.

"In our room. She wants to rest. Let her be, we are going to the park after dessert" Leo tells them.

"I wanna see mommy" Aditi says.

"I know sweetie but your mommy needs some rest so we all can enjoy tomorrow more. Okie sweetie?" Leo explains to Aditi softly.

"Tell ma I'm eating the food. Me good. She is mad because of me" Pia says to Leo, a bit teary.

Leo takes Pia's hand  "Ohh cutiepie, you are always good. Maybe naughty sometimes. But good always. You hear me?" giving it a kiss, he goes on saying "Your mommy is tired from the travel and needs some rest. That's all,okie?"

"Now who wants desserts??" Leo asks cheerfully.

"Me" "Me" "Strawberry Ice cream" "ice cream" they all shout.

"Ice cream in this weather?" Leo looks appalled. "How about something hot? Or cakes?"

"Yea no ice cream for the kiddies. They can have cake. I want mixed scoop" Jeff says smirking at Pia.

"Well for me, you all are kiddies including you Jeffrey." Leo says with a wink.

"Nothing cold. You guys already drank enough sodas. Choose something else" Leo said firmly.

Since they only had four options for hot desserts, they ordered that and shared. Once the kids where done, Ryan took the kiddies to wash up

"So what's the plan for tomorrow dad?" Asked Ray.

"We can go hiking if you all are interested. They also have some games arranged. But I want you guys to tell me what you want to do. And we can see from there." Leo replied, wanting them free and not following a schedule.

"That's cool. I heard there is an amusement park nearby." Said Luke.

"Will it be accessible for Pia and Aditi too?" Asked a concerned Leo.

"I'm not sure, let me check their website" Luke said confused

"We will see after you confirm it" said Leo.

As they all exited to go to the park, Leo told them
"Hey, I'm gonna check up on Ivy in a bit. I want you all to be safe and don't stay up too late. Make sure to bring the kiddies back in an hour. Keep an eye on eachother okie?."

They all nodded as they reached the park.

Aditi, who was being carried by Luke said, "put me down. I wanna play slide" and was running for it as soon as he put her down.

Leo kept watch for a few minutes before going to Aditi and Pia, telling them to mind the others and not to misbehave.

"Give me a call if need me. Aditi and Pia should be back by 8:30. And don't stay up too late" he explained to the others again before he went into their room to take care of his naughty minx. Who is definitely going to have a sore ass tonight.

"Yes Boss" replied Jeff

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