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Leo's POV

I was watching the news to get the weather prediction for today and plan our trip accordingly. As of now, most accessible is a Health and Sports Resort within 2hrs drive, which one of our friends,  owns. The kids can run wild and get their energy drained which they have been holding in due to the weather. I guess this is the best choice as, it gives me and Ivy some alone time too, my girl is itching for a good spanking session. 

The resort has many options like football ground, basketball court, swimming pool etc and they have a small group of people around them, making them a community, and they organise many activities which the kids can take part in. This is closer to the next state, weather there is not as bad as ours, but it still rains mildy. We have to drive more than an hour to cross the statelines and from there around 30mins to the resort.  If the roads are flooded that will be an issue. But since yesterday night it hasn't been raining, though it's not sunny yet. They predict that today is going to be cloudy but probably won't rain as much as yesterday.

Getting the fam together in the next hour, we were ready to drive by 9am. Mrs Hutch had made us some quick snacks that we can have on the way if needed. We took the minivan so that everyone can be together rather than in 2 cars though Jeff begged to drive. Settling the baby seat for Aditi and Pia, which ofcourse they didn't approve. Not wanting them sullen, Ivy offered them a lollipop in exchange. 

Jeff, Fiona and Peter was exited, as they have many sport items to do but others weren't that thrilled with the spot. It was either that or home, so they jumped at the opportunity nonetheless. The drive was peaceful for about an hour as most of them slept. After sometime Aditi woke up crying, waking the others.

Somehow we reached the resort after multiple warnings. Ivy was ready to get her travel companion, the paddle, to keep them in line but since it was raining, she just scolded, wanting to reach the resort soon. As soon as we reached Jeff, Fiona and Peter teamed up to explore the activities available. Pia wanted to join too, so others also tagged along. 

It was nap time for Aditi, so putting her down. Ivy goes to check out the resort, leaving me on babysitting duty as I got some work to do too. We had a small orientation session to get to know about the resort but we three had to skip that because of Aditi's nap time crankiness. 

Ivy's POV

Ivy romes around the resort finding what's where, when she sees kids. She then joins, as they explain her what activities the resort offers. Ivy notices that Pia is getting tired, and as they move to the indoor stadium, Ray takes her to sit on the bleaches. There were already a few kids playing, which my kids observed before asking to join. I was proud that they didn't interrupt their game but waited till that set was over before asking. 

Well, that proud moment didn't last long, they played as two teams, my kids vs the resort kids and somehow in the end there was fighting. I was about to let it go when I saw Jeff kneeing another kid. 

"Kids, that's enough for now. Let's go get freshen up for dinner." I say loudly so everyone hears.

"Not yet Ma, they were cheating" Jeff says fisting the collar of a kid.

"Enough means Enough. Now! " I say harshly and walk over to Jeff grabbing his wrist.

"Sorry kids, you can get together to play again another time. When you both CAN play NICE." I say stressing the words looking at both my kids and resort kids. 

Kids start saying things like the game was stupid, they cheated, blah blah. I tuned it out till we reach a corner out of sight. Then I turn around and stop Jeff.

"Fiona, can you take Pia to the room and settle her in?" I ask her while handing over Pia.

"Sure" she replies though eyes me skeptically.

"What the hell were you thinking, kneeing that kid? Have you lost your senses??" I shout at Jeff just as I give him my signature pinch. Nice flesh twist beneath the bicep is pure painful. 

"Argh, mom stop it" Jeff says trying to move away. "It hurts" he pleads.

"I know it does. That's why I do it" I tell him rolling my eyes as I release the pinch.

"Ma, but they where cheating. Did you see them doin" Ray starts but is interrupted by me saying "I saw that, but that doesn't mean you should cheat too especially by physical damage" glaring at Jeff.

"But I don't think that was intentional Mom" Peter supports Jeff.

"Ohh was that not? So what I saw was a friendly match? Huh, is that what you are saying Peter?"

"Well, mm not exactly a mm friendly one" Peter says looking at others for help.

"What the hell is the difference between you both if you cheat to prove that they were cheating?" I say giving them each a knock on their head and walk to our room.

Just before they reach the room, kids surrounds me.

"I'm sorry I was using foul play Ma, I won't do it again." Jeff says.

"We all are sorry" Peter said and the rest nods along.

"Good, I was very proud of you guys waiting till they finished the game to ask to join. And then this happened. Anyways. Now that u understand why, I'm good" I told them 

"Mm can we..mm not say anything to dad pleasee?"Jeff looks at me pleading.

"Mmm I will think about it" I tell them giving a wink.

They seem to be walking on eggshells when we enter our villa. Probably thinking what's gonna happen if I tell Leo. I'm not going to, but they don't know that.

As we went in, I saw Leo on his laptop in the living room. He looks up, asking " hey guys, how is the place?"

"I didn't cover much but the foundation and garden is so beautiful" I replied giving him a kiss

He still had the laptop on his lap I lean in, and he hold me hip. He looks at the kids "why don't you fresh up for dinner? We will check out their restaurant. Mm?" Though he tells it like a question we all know what that meant. I hear the kids sigh and walk away while Leo moves the laptop to the side making space for me. He looks into my eyes and we share a passionate kiss.

"Looks like my babygirl wants to play" he says giving me that naughty smirk. "But we need to get the kiddies ready and have dinner, so my babygirl is going to have to wait"

"You know I hate waiting" she groans.

He smiles checking behind me,  before giving my nipples a tight pinch. "Yep"

Sorry for the long delay guys

My life was hectic 😭

Happiieee New Year Guysss🥳🥳
Hope 2024 treats us all well!!!

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