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Leo's POV

Where should I start my story? well let's just say being in the boarding school and military has shaped me a lot. That is where i learnt to be a better person and not my home. My parents were shitty, they fuck and produce but doesn't know what to do then, so naturally my childhood was bad. I grew up with nannies and Butler's as my parents were always busy with work. But i don't have any traumas because of it as they shipped me to boarding school tired of my behaviour at very young age. Thus i dont know a lot about my parents, even that i was expecting a sibling until after a month after he was born. Naturally I wanted to be there but then couldn't, i was 10yrs then. Right after my boarding school, at 16, i joined the military and used any excuse to be home with my siblings. I had 2 by then, Jeff and Luke. I liked being the big brother, helping and caring them came naturally to me.
Because of my determination, stubbornness and dominant trait, i went up the ranks in military and was leading a battalion shortly. They were my brothers in arm. 2 of them, my best friends from school. While i was deployed, my parents had a twins, Ray and Ryan whom i couldn't meet until an year after. I was happy with the military and all. Everything was going great there when a phone call changed everything for me. I was in the middle of a mission when my deputy gave me the telecoms telling me that it's a family call. I was confused as they usually don't call, i mean my siblings, they write me any chance they get to let me know about their life but a call from parents? That's weird.
"Sir, their is a family call for you" my deputy said. Walking back, giving me space for the call.
"Major Smithson, here" he says confused. "Hey Leonard, it's me" my mother says. And then she gives me the news that they can't handle the kids and needs a relief. So they have gotten a legal guardian for them until they are 18 and they will live with them. Just like when you get adopted. But in this case my parents are paying them a hefty amount monthly excluding the kids expenses. That means my parents and siblings are separating. My parents have shit ton of money and only they could come with such crooked situations. I was messed up hearing this. They couldn't handle me so they shipped me to boarding school, and never looked back, and now this. Why did they even get pregnant if they couldn't take care of us?. They planned a lot of things in their career but forgot about family planning and these innocent kids are taking the blunt end. When I was venting out about this to my team in barracks, one of them jokingly said "why don't you take them up then?" I played along with the joke but the question kept pondering in my mind.

I completed the mission and while on that, I was planning my future too.
Getting custody of my siblings is the goal, so I took voluntary retirement from military. Convincing my parents that having the kids living with me, is better than with a stranger, they made a plan. My only condition was that I should have complete legal guardianship as, I dont want them to interfere. They were happy to sign the documents but preferred to keep a visitation a year. I was given their mansion since it's big enough for the whole family and kept the staff as such, which was paid by my parents.
So now I have 4 siblings to deal with and start a company from scratch as I denied wanting any toes with the family business. I had already investing in a few companies while in military as I didn't need much from my salary and thus have saved up a lot. With which I started climbing up the corporate ladder.

It took the kids a lot of time to adjust seeing their big brother daily, also getting the attention and caring of a parent figure, which did cause some problems in the being as they weren't used to being held accountable for their mistakes. But that all changed when Leo became their guardian. It wasn't sudden for them as he used to be like this when he visited or even being strict and scolding them through letters. So the kids knew what they were in for from the beginning. To being not getting their parents attention to being the centre of their big brothers world, did cause a lot of sore bottoms.

Of all my investments, one was a BDSM club because of my interest, but was a silent partner. Because of the drama at home I doesn't have time for a relationship and thus always did one night stands, which was a rule of mine. No women more than once. I even had a fuckpad (as Ivy calls it) where i would take them. While visiting the club once, i meets Ivy, she was wearing a bodycon black dress that shows off her curves beautifully. We hit it off from the beginning, had dinner together and then to my fuckpad.

Next morning i wakes up alone, i remember sleeping together, tired from the sex which usually doesn't happen for me. As i, after sex pretends to sleep but then rushes out leaving a note and key.
Heyy, thanks for your time. i had an amazing night. Feel free to use the apartment and give the key to security when you leave.
Thanks Leo.
It's not that I doesn't enjoy the sex, i do and will be heck tired afterwards, but doesn't want the drama of the "morning after". I make sure that my partner knows it's just for one night and even did the same with Ivy. But usually the next morning they will be clingy. So I do this, but now Ivy did my routine of fleeing the scene, making me stunned. I lets it go and get on with life. But couldn't actually get her out of my mind, eventually i visits the club everyday to see her again. We met again and went on a date after a lot of convincing, a date again and another and it went on for 3months.

I didn't still tell her about my family and whenever such questions are asked, I just answers around the bush. I get the feeling she could be the one, so i approaches the idea to the kids. Ray and Fiona, called me out on my bullshit for keeping them a secret from Ivy. But i keet pussyfooting around it.

One day we were out for lunch and while at the cafe, we meet a friend of mine and he asks me "how are the kids". Since Ivy was with me, i just replied "good good" and moved on, avoiding the topic. But she did notice it and asked.

"Do you have a family Leo?. Is this a joke for you? Are you cheating with me?" She asked all of a sudden and i stammered saying "we will talk later" but she wasn't having any excuse that day. "Oh no noo, it's been 8 months and you avoided talking about your family all along. I should have guessed it. Your talking now, right now. Or this is done, whatever it is" she says pointing between us.

I sigh saying "I do have a family, but not like what your thinking. I take care of my 4siblings. Have been taking care of them for 6 years now."

"What? What about your parents? I do remember you saying they weren't a parenting couple" she ask confused.

"That's right, they weren't, aren't. They gave me guardianship of my siblings and that's why I left military"

"Are you lying to me? Because if that's it, then you could have told me about this. Your apartment is always empty. It doesn't look like a kids home. Leo you of all people should not be lying to me" she says frustrated, banging her hands on the table.

"Calm down Ivy"

"Calm down? You want me to calm? After what lies you just said?you know what? That's it. We are done" she says raising her voice and abruptly leaving the cafe. I look at her walking away stunned.

It took a lot of time convincing her that, indeed that was the story. She wanted to meet them to confirm and they did. Well thats a story for another time. Let's just say, she was convinced and they did like eachother.

A year into that and my parents call me to say they are pregnant again and it's girl. I couldn't believe them. Even after all this and they, still want me to take the baby. I knew that's the right thing but this can't keep going so i told them this is the last time I'm helping them out. After 8 months, just as she delivered the baby, i took her home and got the papers signed. And named her Pia.

Ivy was by now a regular at our mansion, yes i did take her to my real home and that's when she named my apartment, the fuckpad. We did have a fight about it and then decided to keep the fuckpad to use whenever we wanted to be away from the kids. I knew Ivy was the one, so i didn't keep her waiting too long and proposed. Had our wedding and 1 year later came Aditi. And that's my story.

PS. About 3 years after the kids being mine, a friend of the twins lost their parents. She and her brother, who was Luke's classmate, was basically living at our house for a long time. They were orphaned and the social worker was trying to get a foster home for them. Kids asked me to take them in and i ended up adopting them 6months later. So now I have 5siblings of mine, 2 adopted kids, a daughter and a Bratty wife to deal with.

Good luck to me 😆

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