Jealous Ray

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Jeff's POV

Peter tells me to get the kids and come downstairs for snacks as he was feeding Pia and Aditi. While going down, i heard screaming from Ray's room, since the door was ajar, i walk in to see her yanking on Ryan's hair while he flails his arms trying to get away. "Hey hey, what's going on here?" I ask loudly. "None of ur damn business" Ray shouts back, kicking Ryan. "Well it is, as i came in here to get you downstairs. Now stop fighting and move ur butts" i said pulling them apart. Ray stomps out the door. "What is that about buddy?" I ask him gently. "Uh, nothing, come on let's go". The twins were always so close, when Leo made them sleep separately they cried themselves to sleep for a month. So i let it go, thinking it's a twin thing.

We both go down to the kitchen, grab a bowl of fruits and move to the living room. Ray has now picked up a fight with Pia for remote. Peter is sitting beside Pia, feeding her and Aditi, and i heard him say "they are watching now, Ray. You can get it after this show, it's only for 10 more mins" "she has been on TV the whole day" Ray whines. "No she hasn't, she was playing with Leo, like an hour before" Peter replies. "Ohh, so now you are a know it all, huh?" She mocks

"Watch out Ray. Don't throw your anger at others" i warn. "She is pissy"Pia says. "Hey don't use that word" Peter says just as i said "it's a naughty word, Pia" "see, she is being too big for her britches" Ray comments, forcefully getting the remote from Pia and thus knocking the fruit bowl in Peter's hands, breaking it. Pia starts crying making Aditi cry and Peter shouts at Ray. Luke comes in hearing the screaming match. I tried to get Ray off Peter, they kept punching each other.

Fed up, i went to get dad and mom from gym as i remember Peter saying mom is working out and dad is babysitting her. I try to open the gym, but it's locked so i knock, and Leo says "1 minute". Are they doing it there? I think to myself, when he opens and i saw mom in her bathrobe."eww, seriously? In the gym?" "it's nothing like that. Now what do you want?"dad replies "You need to see for yourself, come to the living room"i said. Mom tries to come out with me but dad stops her making her continue exercising, she looks at me pleading but dad tells me "go downstairs, i will be there in a minute Jeff"

When i get downstairs, Peter is now on top of Ray, holding her arms. Somehow Fiona who was calmly sitting there munching her fruits is now arguing with Ryan. Luke is trying to calm the kiddies. Thankfully for me, dad comes down, but for them, I'm not so sure.

Leo's POV

As i come out of the gym with my bag, i hear loud noises. I run down the stairs to the living room where fighting, swearing and arguing is taking place.
"What the heck is happening here?"i shout out loud. They stop to look at me, alarmed. Crying sound makes me turn to look at Aditi and Pia. I took Aditi from Luke, tries to calm them down. When i look at the kids, they all have a scared face, i look around and saw the scattered plate pieces, a few torn pages and magazines everywhere. "Go line up in the dinning room and not a peep out of any of you"i ordered. I made this set up long back when i just got the kids, and as the number increased it came handy. I use this, when i want to lecture them all or interrogate them for something. They have to stand in age wise order and i call them out asking questions. It's kinda a military thing but very useful for me. Pia is still clinging to me, sobbing, so i ask her gently "are you involved in this sweety?" A slight nod is all i get, though it irritates me when they don't answer verbally, i calmly tell her "okay, then go join the line sweety" I pick up Aditi, taking her to Ivy, when i see Jeff standing a few steps behind me. "Do you need a special invitation to join them?" I ask raising my eyebrow. "No sir"he bolts.

I take Aditi to gym, though it's been 15mins since i left Ivy to stretch. She is coming out when i take the turn to the gym. "Hey"she calls out. "Can you take her? I have to deal with the rest"i ask. "Okie dokie. Come here pumpkin" showing grabby hands.

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