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Ivy's POV

I'm an Indian American who is settled in Seattle for 8years now. i wanted to be independent and thus flew in, to study my degree here, also because i wanted to take time away from my family. You have to move out of your family's clutches to actually live, or know what life is. So that's what I did. After graduation,i got a full time job and then when I got a better opportunity i took it. I'm working at a hospital as general manager.

It was all going normal until, once when i went to a kink club because my friends made me. There I met a charming, Greek god but knew he was already booked, even if not, i was so out of his league. I saw him looking at me a few times though and it gave butterflies in my stomach. Night went on, and i was dancing with a guy i met there, whose name i don't even remember, when someone pushes this guy away and leans to me, asking will you dance with me. I take a moment to see who this was and it's non other than Mr Greek god. Nodding a yes, we dance for a while.

"so what's your name babygirl?" he asks me."Mm i like babygirl..names Ivy though" i reply shy. "Ivy, that's cute name. I'm Leonard" "Oh ohh and living up to Leonardo DiCaprio's name i see" i tell him giving a once over and he laughs. We then went into bar section for some drinks and he asked out on a date. I don't usually get involved on the first date, but i wanted to, so i said yes.

The date as such was pretty nice, we talked about ourselves and our kinky interest, seems we like similar things. One thing let to another, he was talking about doing a scene. We discussed the hard limits and i didn't want him to bind me, since i don't know him really. He was understanding, but also told me in no other terms it will a one night stand and nothing more. Though i don't usually do it, i wanted a taste of this hunky man, even if it's just once. So we went to his apartment. It was neat and tidy.

The next morning, i wake up before him and rushes out the door, not wanting the awkward talks. He did explicitly say it's for one night. So i go back to my appartment, thinking of sleeping more. But my sleep wasn't much good because i keep remembering his hands on me and was hot & bothered. So i clean my home and get ready for office. I am early today which usually doesn't happen as I'm an habitual latecomer. You can see me rushing in, to make it on time.

My friend messages me and asking about last night. So we chit chat for sometime. She also got some meat yesterday and it was a win win for us both. But she is meeting hers again, hearing that I'm sad mine didn't turn out like that. I try to push it back in my brain and work.

That doesn't happen though, i keep thinking about it and ponders the what if's. What If i didnt leave today morning? What if he was the one? What if i failed my chance for my 'happily ever after'?

This makes me go to the club again, which my friend, Samantha, also had a hand in, because her meat was the club owner it seems. So we go there again, i met Mr Bradley, the owner and Samantha's meat, as i nicknamed him. He was hot as fuck too. God does this club let's people by their hotness? probably not, because if that's the case, I couldn't been permitted.

While walking through the club, i see Leo talking to Mr Bradley, and i freeze which Leo notices. Just then he comes over to me. "Hey, looks like we meet again babygirl" he says to me.
"Mm mm seems to be" i say vaguely because i didn't know if he wants another session with me, which I'm craving for. But looks like he does too as he asks me to dinner again. He tells me, i would be nursing a sore ass had i been his girl for the stunt i pulled yesterday. "What stunt?" i ask "like you don't know" he narrows his eyes at me. "Well you said its a one night stand, so night was over and i left" i shrug. "Tsk tsk, u bad girl" he coos. "Your just mad i played ur stunt" i roll my eyes. Staring into my eyes for sometime, he finally says, "that is true, I'm sorry. Can we have a do over but not playing this time."he asks and i agree.

This became a thing, we meet he asks me to dinner and then sex at his home. One thing let to another I'm his subby girlfriend. We had a good time, he helps me with my insecurities, gave me rules and consequences, which i brat most of the times and drives him crazy.

This happy bubble bursts when we meet a friend of his, who asks about how his kids are, and he quickly moves to next question with a brief answer. This made my overthinking brain explode with questions that i hit him with, as soon as we were alone.
He explains that he has Custody of his siblings and that what his friend meant.

I break off with him saying his is lying because, had it been the truth he could have easily told me because he knows how much i like children. His apartment is clean and tidy always to have children in them. I was so mad and depressed for sometime.

But eventually, i came to know that was the truth and he was afraid of mixing his love life with the kids. He told me this himself, showing me pictures of kids and his actual home.
Turns out he had an apartment where he takes his one night stands, to keep them away from his kids, which i named his fuckpad (we still use it, as a little get way from the kids whenever we need it). He sets up a meeting with the kids, to introduce me and it went pretty much up hill from there.

This is our story, the life of Smithsons.

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