Red Moon

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Ivy slowly stirs in her sleep when the alarm blares for her to wake up. Though she isn't a fan of mornings and takes any chance to sleep, she makes sure to wake up the kids, so that Leo and kids dont have a power struggle in the morning, as it can have only one outcome, a sore ass. Leo is an early riser and has started on with his workout. Jeff and Peter are athletic, so they join him too, in the gym. Leo has made sure to get all the appliances to make it a perfect private gym along with trainers who comes in instructed. Leo didn't have a trainer before, but since the kids started joining, he appointed one.

Once the workout was done Leo goes into his room, to see if Ivy is up or not to wake up the kids. He opens the door to the alarm ringing and Ivy trying to snooze it with her eyes closed. Chuckling he goes to her "hey baby, wake up" "mm mm"Ivy mumbles "do you want me to wake the kids up? So u can sleep?" Leo asks her seating beside her on the bed. Ivy jumps up on the bed saying "no noo, I'm up.. see.."she says trying to smile.
"Heyy, I'm not that bad at waking them up.. okay..the way you're acting, it looks like I'm a monster"Leo feigns. "Ohh that is true. You go in and give them a rude wake up call, it sets their day to a bad start"Ivy says starting to make her bed. "Are you calling me rude, young lady?"he teased giving Ivy a small fun smack just as she bends to make the bedsheet right. "Hey u said it yourself, not me"she sticks her tongue out.

Ivy's POV

I go around the house, knocking the kids room to enter and wake them up. I may not want Leo to start smacking their bums to wake them but that doesn't mean I'm a pushover. What happens is, i give them a gentle wake up call, as i lay with them for a few mins to coerce them to wake up. Once they are aware of the surroundings, i ask them to tidy up and get cleaned while i go get the next kid up similarly. And when 1 round is done, i go again to make sure they have had their time and is actually up with a made bed. If not they would most definitely get spanked by me. It was the same today too.

We all then come downstairs to get breakfast, which our cook has made and Mrs Hutch, our housekeeper would be serving. She is like family to us. As we were eating Leo comes, hair wet from his shower smelling heavenly. Comes down to kiss me, tell "i thought you would have slept again" That happens on most days, i do my chore and goes back to sleep untill i have to go for work. But today "i wanted to spent time with the kids" i say. "Nice, so how was everyones morning?" he asks the kids. Aditi has kindergarten for only 3 hours daily and doesn't need to get up early, so except her, all the kids are here.

"Good, but not so good for Fiona, if that squirming is to go by" Ray smirks.
Leo sternly admonishes saying "u will join her if you keep poking in others business" "though that is true, u should hear what Fiona did. I guess I should let her say the story" i say and everyones eyes are on Fiona "mm, i kinda tried to fool mom by sleeping underneath the bed after her wake up call and kept the shower running, so she would think i was showering. I hadn't made my bed and she thought to help me out by doing it for me. She was looking for the comforter and pillow when she saw me sleeping with it below the bed"Fiona tells her tale. "Tell them what happened after also"I ordered "mm i got the hairbrush"she whispered though everyone understood.

Everyone starts to laugh at Fiona for trying to play me which didn't go well for her. She would definitely be feeling it throughout class. Pia tells Leo about her, which she explained to me when i woke her up. All was going well, there was clatter everywhere, kids speaking among themselves and having breakfast. When they were about to go, I reminded them to "be home by 7, today's is that red moon thingy and i don't want anyone outside for anything. No outings today, or stayover at friends, because i don't trust u to not go outside and have a moon sighting. Keep your balconies closed and be inside the whole night. Am i making myself clear?" "Yes ma'am"they all replied, Jeff was about to argue when Leo shot him down saying "just do as she said. We don't know how dangerous this thing is, so let's be cautious" "it says in the news that it's a once in a lifetime appearance and is expected to produce high radiation to earth since it's going to be so close to the moon"Ryan explained. "Yea like ur eyes can do blind or cause irritation on seeing it directly. So let's be inside today"Luke says. "U saw news"? I was stunned. "Maybe they flashed it in his game. No chance he actually saw news"Ray smirks and kids laugh at Luke. "Heyy, i know abt the things happening okayy. We had a discussion about it in the game group chat"he mutters the last bit. "See, i told u"Ray jeers "atleast i knew, dumbass" Luke taunts back. Since it was playful, i ignore the namecalling but Leo gives him a scowl.

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