Act 38 - Till the end of time

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Akali's POV
I was sulking on my bed, staring pointedly at the shameless little fox lazing on Asta. Ever since Senior got stuck in that tiny form, she became extra clingy, making use of all the snowy-white fur to charm the naive Asta! She'd constantly cuddle with her, prodding her palms with those itty-bitty paws while blinking adorably. And that kiddo fell for it like a dummy. She has always been an absolute airhead when it comes to small fluffy creatures! Now everywhere she went, you'd see a white fluffball in her arms. Even when Asta was playing with me, she often rubbed Senior's head in a daze, never focusing on the damn chessboard!

Watching the sly vixen sneaking a kiss or two, seducing that dummy over one step at a time, I couldn't stand it anymore and walked over, picking her up by the nape. She instantly went feral, growling while trying to swipe her tiny paws at my arm. All her fur exploded into bristles and stood on end. Like an angry kitten. Or a frizzled sea urchin.

Extending my arm fully to get this wild furball as far away as possible, I looked at Asta aggrievedly, "You don't play with me anymore after this stuffed animal came rolling by!"

The dense bloke only raised an eyebrow, "Didn't I just play chess with you an hour ago?"

"That doesn't count! You're just busy ruffling this furball!" I quipped back before returning to my bed.

I need to stop this scheming creature from getting on Asta's bed! Otherwise, if that kid really got used to hugging her to sleep, even if Senior turned back to human form, she would still allow this woman to crawl into her bed! My innocent little airhead needs protection from this seductress! I locked the tiny fox firmly in an embrace before laying down in bed. The disobedient animal was howling, wriggling for all she's worth. Unfortunately for Senior, now she's not the scary sister with nine ferocious tails itching to wallop people. She's a weak little runt. As small as a stuffed toy. She could barely reach my knees, much less my head. After struggling vainly for a few minutes, Senior grew tired and chose to laze on my stomach quietly instead. I smirked triumphantly, lightly rapping my knuckles on her furry head.


I ruffled her head more. It's so soft. So warm. In fact, the snowy fur was glistening with a shiny sheen. Almost like quality silk. What a novel feeling. No wonder Asta liked carrying this glutinous rice dumpling around. It's an absolute treat for the hands. Senior narrowed her eyes and slapped my hand with her tails while baring her fangs.

"Ow, ow. Okay, okay. No more rubbing," I shook my sore hand before smoothing out her messy fur.

But this time, I ain't gonna take this lying down.

"By the way, you're sleeping with me tonight."

The fox widened her eyes in horror before proceeding to whack my stomach with her tails, trying to squeeze her way out of my ironclad hold. What can I say? I give good bear hugs. One that's more than enough to stop a cheeky vixen from charming everyone as she pleased.

I rested my chin against her perky vulpine ears, pressing them down and whispering provocatively, "You've been enjoying Asta's bed for far too long, Senior. Time to be my body pillow~"

There was a noticeable quiver in the tiny thing's body as she stared at me like I'm a monster. Needless to say, from that day onwards, Senior was relegated to my bed, no questions asked. Asta only looked at the milky fox throwing a hissy fit while I continued teasing her and said nothing. Which was all the more better for me. Now I got to return the favour of her beating my head around for the past month. How karma struck hard~

After the first few nights, Senior Ahri must have given up hope since she obediently lay in my bed without shredding the sheets and pillows into ribbons. But she still made sure to aggravate me at every step of the way. Nowadays, she chose to doze off right bang smack in the middle of the giant-ass bed! Anytime I tried to get her to scooch, she'd smack my palms mercilessly while giving me a contemptuous glare. And just my luck, no one dared to help move the scary vixen. If I was to ensure this little rascal doesn't go sneaking off to Asta's bed in the middle of the damn night, I have to make do with this horrendous situation. For the greater good, I'm literally stuck sleeping at the very edge of my bed. MY bed!!! Why's my life so sad and pitiful???!!! Even when Senior's stuck in this tiny body, she could still wave about her orders flamboyantly like a damn queen! I swear. She must have been some bloody royalty in her past life or something! So hissy and hard to please!

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