Act 39 - Debauchery session

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Ahri's POV
After the first night alone with Akali, our choppy relationship had improved slightly. At least, enough for me to not feel annoyed every other second. The irresistible urge to swipe her head had also lessened. We could now coexist peacefully without constantly butting heads. Honestly, after hearing her experience, I was surprised. Who knew someone as innocent and naive as her would be a victim to such disgusting mistreatment from those two-legged barbarians? Her usual insufferable and cheeky demeanour completely masked her painful past. You couldn't tell she's suffering from the smug grin on her face. Exactly the same as Asta when she's small. She also has this fascinating ability to hide her emotions behind the seemingly joyous smile. To the point where I'd sometimes forget that my baby was being beaten at home.

Although our differences were sort of smoothed out, there's still one thing that would never change—my aversion to being in her damn bed! I could never bring myself to enjoy sleeping next to her. I wanted to snuggle with Asta! Not this pesky rascal! Besides, her sleeping posture was utterly horrendous! As obnoxious as the kid herself. Asta's well behaved and doesn't move around when asleep. I could actually have a peaceful nap beside her. But not this brat! She's constantly fidgeting. So much so that I always have to worry about my tails being crushed by this rolling piece of work! It's disturbing my beauty rest! Messing up my exquisite streamline fur! Every morning, I would wake up looking like I've been to a war zone, with my fur all tousled and ruffled. It's so egregious. I felt so aggrieved. My pride and joy... My delicate silky tails looked like a bloody mop! I had to scamper to Asta for her to tidy my messy fur. And yet, this obtuse brat refused to leave me alone. She'd always fetch me before bedtime. Just like clockwork. Giving me all the stress and anxiety of having my perfect tails ruined overnight.

On a fateful night, as Asta's about to cruelly hand me over to Akali again, something odd stirred in my belly. And it's getting hotter by the second. I squirmed uncomfortably in Asta's arms, whining feebly.

"It's okay, Ahri. It's just a few hours."

I pinched her sleeve, looking at her pitifully.

Don't leave...

My gut feeling was screaming at me to hold onto Asta for dear life. To get her to stay at all costs. Tonight was completely different from all the previous ones. My baby deer needs to stay. She needs to.

A shudder ran down my spine. My tails were flapping restlessly, subconsciously caressing her forearm. The urge to lick my adorable prey flared up. I started nibbling her fingers, suckling them like candy. It tasted so good. I want more. More of this sweet delicious goodness.

But the dummy only patted my head softly before passing me over to Akali, "I'll come back before midnight. Then we can play."

A soft whimper came out.

No... I want to play now...

However, there was nothing I could do in this tiny form except to watch my baby leave. My paws quivered, madly scraping Akali's arm to get her to let go.

"What's wrong, Senior?"

The molten magma in my belly suddenly twisted ferociously, incapacitating my nerves with pain. I was being boiled alive by my own magic. My fur exploded into bristles. A guttural shriek came out as I unintentionally scratched Akali's hand. There was a muted cry and she released me. My body plopped roughly onto the carpeted floor. I groaned weakly, letting out puffs of steam. My ears were ringing badly. Even more so when I could smell the rogue's blood. The aroma of her life essence bloomed, flooding the room with a heavenly smell. That damn hunger pang came back. And at the wrong freaking time! Why did it have to come when Asta's not here???

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