Resolution 42 - Who said you're weak?

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Astaroth's POV
During the days spent in Navori Province, Astaroth began to understand the power dynamics in the Kinkou Order. Or should she say, the impotence of the group. They have this problematic obsession to preserve balance between the physical world and spirit realm. They're NOT supposed to show any preference to either side. But reality was very different. They had this inexplicable bias towards spiritual matters. In fact, the Ionians were reclusive to outsiders precisely because of the fear of disturbing their so-called 'sacred spirits' inhabiting this land. They were unwilling to be the first to show their cards. Unwilling to take the first step in the war. Unwilling to be the first to spill blood. How should she put it... The Kinkou Order was more reactive than proactive. They only answer what came their way. They're never the principal of change. For some reason, the belief of maintaining balance and patience triumphed over protecting their home from invaders. To them, an intangible concept such as the spirit realm was a lot more important than protecting their people. They were dropping like flies in the material plane and yet, these Kinkou leaders refused to move.

Particularly Shen, one of the four keepers—the holder of the Eye of Twilight. He was calm and even-keeled. Perhaps a little TOO calm. To the point where he's downright dispassionate. Don't get her wrong. Astaroth was well aware that this man held sufficient wisdom befitting of his station. However, he just wouldn't budge. Even in extreme cases like impending war. He's just too... spiritualistic. Not materialistic. And definitely NOT realistic. At this rate, it's only a matter of time before Noxus conquers their lands. The guy might be Kali's master but both of them had vastly different attitudes. The rogue was more pragmatic. Of course she's going to defend the material realm over a theoretical one. She didn't want to pander to these so-called spirits. And that's where the both of them frequently butt heads over. Anytime Shen urged the impulsive ninja to show restraint and patience, Kali would go out of her way to rebel against him. She often questioned whether the Order truly did fulfil their purpose. Her argument was that if their saintlike attitude was really working, then why was Ionia currently in shambles? Her growing dissatisfaction gradually turned to outright defiance in every heated argument. It always ended in a stalemate where Kali would storm off and begrudgingly throw shurikens alone in the woods. Each venting session resulted in a bunch of straw dummies being decimated.

This was the one of the few occasions where Astaroth actually agreed with Kali's sentiment. She was objectively the correct one. What balance was there to preserve if this entire region was razed down from the get-go??? It's not being unreasonable to first solve the issues of invaders before considering maintaining harmony between the material world and spirit realm. The sharp-witted Kali instantly saw through the flaws in their plans. Or the lack thereof. It doesn't take a chess genius to know that it wouldn't work in the long run. The lack of initiation was the reason why Noxians were getting in over their heads, having the audacity to think they were the ones with the upper hand in this conflict. Even pitching their tents in enemy territories. And judging from the current state of things, nothing was going to change for the better. It's just a slow slippery slide to destruction.

Knowing full well that the rash girl would one day sneak out to annihilate a whole Noxus camp herself, Astaroth remained awake late every night, keeping her ears peeled for any sounds of movement. Her patience was soon rewarded. On a moonlit midnight, she heard the faint scuffling of light footsteps. Astaroth was up in an instant, directly hopping out through the second floor balcony of Kali's house, determined to catch a scampering rat. The girl immediately whirled around at the ruckus. Her guilty conscience must be kicking up, making her overly-skittish. She was wearing a green accented robe with a black hoodie covering her head. Unlike her usual hobo dressing style, she came prepared this time. A couple silver armour pieces protected her shoulders and elbows. The girl even bothered wearing fingerless guard gloves so that she won't break her knuckles from punching someone. A simple drawstring bag was slung over her shoulder, probably filled to the brim with rations to last for days. Not going to lie, with the form-fitting attire, it actually made her look like a proper lethal assassin and not some hyperactive kid that loves throwing daggers. A pity Kali's low-key attempts were negated by the downright colourful hair. Kind of adorable...

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