Pinch Point 41 - You don't deserve to be her mother.

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Astaroth's POV
On the day of the trip, Astaroth gathered in the living room with the rest.

While making sure that everything was accounted for in her interspatial ring, Caitlyn asked for the umpteenth time today, "Are you sure you don't need us to follow along?"

She peered at the dark circles under the sheriff's eyes. The woman has not been sleeping well due to the impending war. Exactly like the worrywart that she was. With that level of sheer exhaustion, they would just be a liability for her to lug around. She might as well do everything herself. It's quicker and easier that way. Save her the headaches.

Astaroth nodded and explained offhandedly, "I already have four people's worth of stress. No need to add more."

Besides, she had overheard Vi chattering about holiday plans after this clown fiesta had ended. There's no telling what would happen in a chaotic battlefield. Astaroth couldn't guarantee that everyone would get out in one piece. So she really didn't have the heart to expose them to unwanted risks and possibilities of death. Astaroth had no plans on being the jinx and ruining other people's bright futures together. Anyway, with her temporarily away from this city, she needed Caitlyn to reign in the wolfish ambitions of those fat nobles. They'd definitely make use of her absence to seize her throne. Something that has no business being in their hands.

"You just need to ensure those Council leaders keep their dirty paws to themselves."

Caitlyn pursed her lips, about to say something unnecessary when Vi reassured her, "Chill, Cupcake. The boss will call if she needs help."

This again.

Astaroth couldn't help but prod, "Why do you call her 'Cupcake'?"

Caitlyn looked over in surprise before her face reddened.

Meanwhile, her duo only grinned, "Because she's sweet. Like a cupcake."


A slap landed on her shoulder. Astaroth raised an eyebrow. She didn't think an impertinent Zaunite like her would be sentimental enough to create funny nicknames for others. And she didn't seem to hear that woman calling others that. Was it only specially for her officer partner?

"Well, it's similar to how you call Akali."

... No it's not???

It was the rogue who insisted she call her like this. She complained that it's 'only fair'. Back then, Astaroth didn't think much of it since the pet name has less syllabus. So technically speaking, it's convenient for her too. Unlike them, there should be no other special meaning...

Astaroth didn't bother arguing, "Whatever you say. Just don't create too much trouble while I'm gone. I really don't want to fetch you from the detention centre."

The impetuous creature snickered, "I'll try. No promises though."

With that, she returned back to the rest. Somehow, except for Kaisa and Kali, the rest looked excited. As if they were off on a holiday. For Evelynn, that gluttonous woman's probably salivating from the glorious future of pain and misery floating in the air. As for Ahri... This baby fox must not have seen a battlefield before. So she's bursting with curiosity and anticipation.

When the mother hen saw her, she immediately teased, "Why don't you just say you don't want them to die? Always have to go about in such a roundabout way. How cute~"

Astaroth rolled her eyes and said nothing. She fished out a hexgate device and activated it. Bright light engulfed their figures. Once the glare dissipated, Astaroth found herself standing on a misty peak. Pink sakuras dotted the landscape, covering the distant mountains too. Mystic powers flowed over the land, surging through iridescent trees. They spread their leaves of magenta and indigo skyward, reminiscent of paper fans in the hands of dancers. Paired with the fresh air and the sound of wildlife around here, it was a breathtaking scene. Not to the extent of Valoran City though. That would forever be Astaroth's number one favourite place.

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