Act 32 - There will be a happy ending for you and I.

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Ahri's POV
Once the door swung shut, I headed downstairs where the rest were waiting.

"Is there a way for her skin to heal?" I asked worriedly.

Because by the looks of those third-degree burns, they'd likely leave ugly scars all over her body. I don't want more of those on my pretty baby. She had already suffered enough from her deadbeat parents.

Thankfully, Kaisa nodded, "Her symbiote has regenerative abilities. We just need to supply it with energy from organic or Void sustenance. After a few days of rest, I'll bring her out to Void rifts."

Eve clicked her tongue, "Well, there's that. Next issue to settle is her crumbling world view. I've only managed to fool her into living for now. Though I'm not sure how long that would last. We need to make her WANT to live again."

There was silence in the room as all of us racked our brains for a solution that wouldn't make Asta allergic to us. If you can't already tell, the paranoid little baby was thoroughly convinced that everyone's out to get her.

Suddenly, the feisty rogue bolted up from the couch, "I almost forgot! How come Asta talks to you in a civilised manner and starts screaming when it comes to me???"

Her eyes were glued to Eve as she sulked angrily with folded arms. Now that she mentioned it...

I narrowed my eyes and squinted at the hoe suspiciously. Out of all of us, the baby deer was only soft and lovely when it came to this succubus. Almost to the point of submission. She's downright meek in front of her, listening to whatever she has to say. Not only that, Asta also lets this frivolous hoe touch her left, right, and centre. Meanwhile, she can't even stand being in the same room as me! What gives??? How did Eve know so much about her?! What the hell did they do inside that dorm room?!

All three of us shot her a sceptical glance. Even Kaisa couldn't hide the hint of accusation in her eyes. Wait... Why was she even interested in this???

Eve only let out an infuriating chuckle, "Relax. All that previously was just an educated guess. Besides, I did consider her. But judging from the girl's personality, she's the possessive kind that can't do one-night stands. You know me. Long-term relationships aren't really my jam. To me, she's just an awfully cute prey to coddle."

I breathed out a sigh of relief. Good. That's one less competitor to worry about. As for the rest... Hmph! I won't let them steal my mate. She's mine!

For the next few days, all of us would visit the little deer after lessons. The idea was that we needed her to lower her guard first. Once she's used to our presence, then we could start working on her suicidal attitude. Initially, Asta was mostly silent and withdrawn. She didn't want to talk. Neither did she want to look at anyone. Unlike previously when she's obsessed with that unworthy bastard, her eyes were now muddy and hazy. As if she's in a constant daze. She didn't seem like she's going to randomly set herself alight but compared to before, she's utterly depressed. The lost little deer didn't have a goal anymore. So the strength of her soul grew incredibly weak and frail.

The only time some form of emotion would flash in her empty eyes was when she's stroking the pretty orange core. Which I hated a lot. I know it's despicable of me to think in this way but I could never bring myself to like how she's obsessed with another person. I just couldn't. Who would even accept their precious prey fawning over others? Instead of me, my baby's mind was filled with a strange woman. And I didn't like it one bit. Where was the cute little girl who loved touching my ears?

During our playtime, Asta mostly ignored everyone, only occasionally giving a perfunctory answer to Eve. Other than that, she's just dazing away while protecting the orange orb from being touched. However, there was one visit that's particularly special.

Beneath The SurfaceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora