Climax 50 - The betrayal

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Astaroth's POV

His last breath was cut short by a Void scuttle flying to his face. A bite, then a pull, and his entire lower jaw was dislocated. His eyes were next to be gnawed to mush. There goes the soft fleshy bits.

Unlike the usual greenish variant of the Rift Scuttle, this one has a dull purplish tint to it and a pair of beady blood-red eyes. Faster. Stronger. Different from the harmless river crabs which would only run at the hint of danger, her upgraded version was more ferocious. Attacking anyone and everyone on sight. A useful addition to her army.


Astaroth turned around boredly. A hysterical man broke through the crowd and rushed towards her with a sickle in hand. His manic-glazed eyes bored into hers aggressively. Probably some last-ditch attempt to slay the evil being in their midst. Before she could unsheath her blade, a sharp whistle zipped past her ear. A blinding death beam punched through the air and blasted his entire upper body clean off. Well, that was quick. That chum didn't even get a chance to swing his curved toothpick.

An unfeeling voice thrummed deeply, "Hush... you rat..."

Astaroth fought back a chuckle. It's funny hearing the solemn Vel'Koz name-calling others crudely like this. Plus, with the eyeball's naturally flat tone, the rare abusive language only became all the more comical. It's learning fast. Must be from Kha'Zix. For a sadistic voidborn, that cockroach was particularly creative at insults. Adorable.

Drawing out the Infinity Edge, Astaroth skillfully slashed across her wrist, severing a bunch of important arteries. Oops. Droplets of poisonous fluid trickled down. One drip at a time. Dying the earth black.


The moment she called out the accursed name, her blood bubbled and thickened. There was a luminous glow as the fluid seeped into the crevices. Void energy sparked in the air. Wisps of shadows swirled on the ground. They converged to form a serpentine silhouette before a pair of purple eyes opened. The freaky shadow swam across the cracked earth, stopping at a short distance away from her. A tremor shook. All of a sudden, multiple twisted arms shot out of the crater. Fingerlike claws took root deep in the ground, acting as anchors for something huge. The grossly disproportionate muscles rippled and flexed as the limbs yanked out the hydra's remaining body.


Chunks of boulders flew from the site. Astaroth narrowly ducked from a hurtling comet. A massive serpent towered before her, casting a looming shadow over the poor scrambling folks. In cue more blood-curdling screams. She had also mutated her grandfather's original design for little Baron Nashor. Beneath the Nashor's thick armour was aglow with indigo. Thrumming with immeasurable power. In exchange for more destructive capabilities, the worm had also grown uglier. The baby figureheads dangling at the side have warped considerably, possessing elongated snouts and long serrated teeth. Now equipped with beady eyes too. They're no longer there for mere decorations. But the main head was where all the hideousness lies. Plates of discoloured carapace layered atop each other. Long fleshy mandibles grew on either side of its upper jaw in such a way that the serpent was always in a permanent sneer. What a nightmare.

 What a nightmare

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