Act 21 - My baby deer came back.

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Ahri's POV
"LUNA!!!" I screamed in horror, watching her sail into the air with a man-eating monster.

It was as if time had stopped at the moment when the creature opened its gaping jaws to snap at her defenceless figure. I could only helplessly stare at my nightmare that was soon turning into reality as Luna plummeted into the bottomless chasm.

Ever since this morning, I had a terrible sinking feeling in my gut. A sense of foreboding. As if something bad was going to happen during this expedition. Which was really unfounded since this wasn't my first time going to a Void rift. All the previous trips ended simply without any problems in between. So there's no reason to assume that this particular one wouldn't. But I knew better than to belittle my instincts. It was the one thing that had saved me countless times when I was in the brutal region of Ionia. It had protected me from the freakish purple polar bear, saved me from hunters vying for my tails and even led me to Asta. So there's plenty of reason to trust this gut feeling. I didn't want my new evening friend to die just to save the world. That's plain stupid! And now, I really regretted not tying her up and kidnapping her back to the academy.

Why... Why out of everyone, that stupid mutt had to pick her...

Before I could rush into the pit, lashers snaked around my torso, pulling me back.

"Let go!" I shouted, my panicked eyes still unmoving from the spot where Luna had disappeared out of sight.

"Calm down, Ahri. If you jump down there, you'd only break your legs, and Luna would still be eaten," Eve snapped.

At this moment, another figure shot past me, diving straight into the pit of death. Someone with pretty violet eyes.


If it's her, Luna would surely live. With that weird black sludge in her body, the little rabbit has proven to be much more capable than ordinary humans. No, scratch that. She has long exceeded the threshold of what could be considered a plain old human. She's strong. So how could those feeble two-legged creatures compare to her? She'd definitely save Luna. She has to.

I didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief before even more shenanigans ensued. The mana concentration in the air suddenly spiked, followed by the sound of rocks crumbling. Suffocating dust clouds billowed as tons of boulders fell into the hellhole, completely sealing the opening. Those same useless rats had collapsed the entire cliff face, burying the pit. They're hell-bent on killing Luna and Kaisa.

"STOP! THEY'RE STILL IN THERE!" Akali yelled, yanking back the arm of the bastard leading this homicide attempt.

Instead of undoing the shit he had started, the foolish weasel still had the cheek to retort, "It's just a bunch of psychotic monsters! Or do you want to endanger all of our lives and let that thing out???"

I was thoroughly ticked off, my jaws hurting from how hard I was clenching them. He's one of the trash Kaisa saved before! And he still had the galls to call her a monster?! Even monsters wouldn't be this ungrateful! The shamelessness! Kaisa should have just left all these bastards to the Void!

The next few words he uttered ended up sealing his fate, "It's for the greater good! If that demon was really on humanity's side, then she should show her loyalty and die for us!"

"'Greater good'???!!!" Akali hissed through gritted teeth, pulling his collar, "I will show you 'greater good'!"

Her fist smashed him hard in the face, producing a sickening crunch. The shameless animal was sent sprawling to the ground like a sack of potatoes. He's holding his jaw delicately, whimpering pathetically with teary eyes. A little punch already got him bawling his eyes out. Meanwhile, he had no issue killing others with a steely gaze. A complete two-faced piece of shit!

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