Chapter Eighteen: Father Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

"Uh can I help you?". He asked.

"Is that real?". The kid asked, pointing to the horns and tail. Jay's tail swayed back and forth which was cute.

"Uh yea,". He responded.

"Cool! I'm Brayden!". The kid introduced himself. Brayden seemed to be around 6-7 years old. Pale skin, dirty blonde hair that was fluffy. Similar to Jay's. Hazel eyes. He wore a white baggy t-shirt with some cartoon character on it and to tie the outfit, baggy gray sweatpants and bear slippers. The kid's name was awfully similar to Jay's full name but he didn't think much of it and brushed it off.

"That's nice, I'm Jay". He introduced himself.

"Wow! That's a cooler name than mine!". The kid exclaimed. Part of him wasn't sure to amuse that child but there wasn't no time to consider the other option as Alakai and Dorian walked up to the demon and the child.

"Alakai!". The kid shouted and ran towards the dragon. Jay glared at the two, being sorta standoffish with them.

"Relax demon, this is a truce". The dragon spoke.

"Yea even if we did fight, the boss would have our heads!". Dorian jokes.

"Whatever, just follow us". He was annoyed and started walking back from where they came from. Jay followed behind but kept his guard up. Walking through the big hallway with windows decorating one side so you can see the good view of the city below. Really high up. The kid was following behind so there wasn't really any worry. It was silent though, awkwardness was filling up the silent tension. What can you say to a guy who tried to kill you when you first got out of a portal and some sand freak? Hi, how are you? That wouldn't cut it at all and besides there's a kid here and the minute things turn hostile. It isn't gonna look good.

The tension thickened more as the 4 continued walking, not making this any more comfortable and it was clear that no conversation was going to start. Alakai turned around and took one good look at Jay who stopped and glared at him.

"For a half demon you sure have guts,". He spoke.

"For a dragon you sure are cold blooded,". Jay shot back. A smirk appeared on his face. "After this. I will kill you". The silence returned. Dorian laughed a little.

"So who was that creature we met?". Dorian asked. Jay looked away as a response. He wished he could tell him what's going on but alas he can't. So silence was all he could give at the moment. When the 4 arrived at the dining room, there was a huge door, not massive or medieval giant doors that look like gates. Just a normal sized door.

"Listen here, do not start any fights. Physical or verbally". Alakai spoke, stating some ground rules.
"And ignore the bitch with plastic surgery,". Dorian chuckled a little and the ice dragon hit him in the arm. Now Jay was confused, what the fuck do they both mean? Brayden didn't pay attention at all as he was playing with the stuffed animal just in his own little world. Just doing what he wants. Alakai opened the door to the big dining room and walked in, then it was Dorian and last was Jay as the kid ran towards his mom. The demon looked around the dining room, then his eyes moved to the boss and they widened, body staying in place, heart beating fast, lump form in the throat, brain yelled "move" the body stayed in place. The boss on the other hand watched, face not changing his neutral expression, eyes watching every movement that was made.

"I want everyone gone, now". He said and everyone did, leaving him and Jay, the thick tension grew. "I didn't think we would reunite this late,".

"Y-yea,". Was all the demon could muster out. "Where's mum?". A heavy sigh was let out.

"We divorced,". He spat out, with no emotion. Just straightforward and serious. The face expression was still the same, no matter what. The tone was even empty. Jay's eyes widen, now taking in this new information, filled with shock. Him and mum are no longer together?!

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