Chapter Eight: Wannabes

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It was a nice day in the afternoon, Jay and Rose were hanging in the plaza to see a fair. Rose wanted to see the fair but didn't want to go alone and she begged the grumpy demon over and over. Until he finally gave in and here they are. There was a crowd of people, wearing silly costumes. The two demons in the room with horns and tails blended right in as costume goers thought it was costumes. Rose was jumping everywhere in excitement, there were so many things she wanted to get and she could get it.

Jay was sitting at a table in silence. He was still thinking about the news segment yesterday, it was bothering him a little but he didn't know why. Was it the small glimpse of the red head he saw? Nah that would be crazy. There was no reason he should care about that, it isn't important. It shouldn't be for him. But it was bothering him and he didn't like it one bit. He wanted to hit his head against the table.

Rose was acting like a child at a fair or carnival. Just running around and pointing at games or items she wanted to win. She was really excited. It was good to see her this happy. The small demon squealed when she saw this huge bear plushie at a booth which was 5 booths away. It had horns, gray fur and it looked really cute and the small demon really wanted it. She was really eager to get it or at least make Jay win it for her. He just rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Fine, fuck you!". She said.

"Not wasting 30 bucks on a rigged game". He responded.

"Not wasting 30 bucks on a rigged game,". She mocked him. "It's just fun you killjoy, and besides it's my money not yours which you don't have". Jay rolled his eyes.

"Cmon!". She said as he grabbed his hand and dragged him. There were crowds of people, some of them were at the games which had long lines. Jay was being pouty while walking with the small eager demon. She was so excited to the point you could tell there were stars in her eyes. There were so many things she wanted, she could steal if she wanted. Which she could. Rose dragged Jay to the booth where she saw the teddy bear.

"The eyesight you have,". Jay commented.

"Shut up emo,". Rose retorted.

"I'm not emo,". He said. She waved him away and ran to the booth, Jay followed behind. There was already a crowd of people, they were sounding like they were cheering for someone. When Jay got a closer look, there was a dude who was on his last shot with the balloon darts. Jay didn't understand the hype nor cared about it. He found it stupid. It wasn't really a big deal. The guy missed, a huge groan came from the audience.

"My turn!". Rose said as she shoved the guy. He looked at her with an annoyed look, her golden tail swayed back and forth as she was really eager. The person at the booth looked at the small demon.

"Ya got money kiddo?". They asked.

"Tons! How much for the bear?". She responded as her hand rummaged through her pocket. She grabbed her wallet and took out some money and slammed it on the counter.

"Pop the balloons and you get a prize, for the big ones you have to win 3 rounds,". The person said.

"3 rounds!". She yelled and she got handed 3 darts for each round. Everyone was watching as Rose threw the darts at the balloon, 2 were popped and she had one more dart in her hand. She took a moment to analyze and perfect the throw for the final balloon. She felt nervous though, the pressure of all the eyes looking at her were getting to her. Rose didn't want to fuck up. Jay looked around the fair some more, he at least wanted something to interest him. But it was too boring for him, there wasn't even an ax throwing competition or a game. Would that interest him? He didn't even know. Rose threw the dart at the balloon and it popped, the crowd cheered and she jumped happily. Now it was time for round 2 of the balloon dart game. Rose was really excited, she was on a roll or that is what she felt like. Maybe it was her ego.

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