Chapter Eighteen: Father Pt. 1

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The boss had pale skin with a mix of tan, brown hair that was a mix of fluff, messy and at the same time well kept with gel, a beard with some white hairs. It wasn't messy Brown eyes, 2 moles under his right eye. He wore a black suit with a white buttoned shirt under need that had the sleeves rolled up. Black pants with black shoes. On his left arm was a tattoo that he got when he was younger. He was sitting at the head of the table in the dining room. glaring at Alakai and Dorian.

Silence thickening by every tick sound made by the grandfather clock, no one has said anything at all. The boss's wife Tressa, who was a blonde with black highlights with long hair that was down to her waist but it was wavy. hazel eyes, a mix of pale and tan skin with freckles on her arms and face. She wore a black dress that hugged her body well and looked amazing.

The dining room was a huge room. With the long table he was sitting at. Tressa sat next to him, fixing her makeup with the small handheld mirror she had. There were paintings decorating the white walls with golden designs on it. Like squiggles.

"Boss,". Alakai asked, trying to break the silence. Eyes glaring at him.

"I know I didn't disclose what state to bring the boy back but I didn't imagine in this state". He replied. Dorian got frustrated and let out a heavy sigh.

"Nothing can make this man happy huh?!". He yelled.

"Coming from the sand demon that doesn't do rules, tell me who was it that got kicked out?". The boss asked, Dorian grumbled. Tressa rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Dear can you get these freaks out of our dining room, they are cramping my style". She spoke while looking in the mirror.

"The only freak that's cramping your style is that plastic surgery ya got there. Sure you ain't giving your kid a nightmare". Dorian laughed and she glared at him.

"Don't make me turn you into a sandy mud,". She threatened.

"Why you little!-".

"Enough!". Alakai cut them both off, now the silence returned. Boss was silent.

"Someone fetch the boy,". He said and Alakai left the room, walking through hallways, Dorian followed behind not wanting to be around the 2 humans. He was still grumpy about the whole interaction between him and Tressa. Leaning against the wall was Ridge, who was a pale guy, around 5 '7-5' 9 and around the age of 19-21. He had white hair with blue fade. 2 black horns that curl back a little like dragon horns. Gold eyes with his right eye that has a white pupil and his left eye with a black pupil. He was wearing a black scarf around his neck, a black jacket over his black and white shirt. He had a utility belt around his waist. Black cargo pants and combat boots (For those who haven't seen the announcement Ray's name was changed to Ridge). He was glaring at his master with arms crossed. His teeth are grinding somewhat.

"Still upset over this matter?". Alakai asked.

"Well the demon should already face the council!". Ridge yelled.

"There are some issues that need to be sorted out before that, young one". He answered, but that wasn't the answer Ridge wanted to hear.

"He should be in court already!". He yelled trying to make his point.


Jay was unconscious in a room, laying down on a bed. His eyes slowly opened as he came to, groaning. Feeling his head is spinning. He sat up and looked around the room. It wasn't familiar to him at all. The walls were dark blue with light blue stripes decorating the wall. Star stickers along with the decoration. He sat up looking around the room he assumed was a child's room. There was a kid sized desk with a chair, mirror and toy box with other toys on the floor. Where was he? His head was still hurting and got up from the bed and started walking towards the door. As it opened there was a little kid standing outside holding a stuffed animal.

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