Chapter Eleven: Quiet

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Jay and Rose were walking around the city as usual, though it was raining. People walking by had their hoods up or holding their umbrellas. Jay wanted to go to the supermarket to buy some food as he was hungry, Rose on the other hand was on look out. This annoyed the demon. He wasn't sure if he should ask her why she's on edge or ignore it, but seeing her jump around just bugged him and it wouldn't hurt to ask.

People walking by were eyeing her as if she was weird or something. Rose is a weirdo, she can be one from time to time with her stupid weird ideas and weird outbursts of violence. Did she act this way around him or other people? This question is never gonna be answered. That was the feeling Jay got. Also due to the fact that he never wants to ask the said question but jumping around isn't gonna stop until the question is asked so why not.

"Rose, why are you acting like there's an assassin sent after you? And if there is... I'm not surprised". He said. The small demon turned around and rolled her eyes.

"Well, I visited my job because... Yami died and my master, the one who's in charge, kinda like a boss. He thinks I'm harboring a criminal...". She started.

"And?". He asked slowly, getting impatient.

"That criminal could possibly be you... but you haven't been uploaded into the databases". She spoke. Jay let out a heavy sigh.

"What else could get worse,". He muttered. First he should be on the lookout for that guy that nearly killed him. Was it Alakai? Who knows. Now it's a potential assassin who's possibly after the two of them? Everyday was surprise after surprise for him,Not that he didn't care but that's what it is. Maybe staying in hell was a good decision in the first place.

"Hey, how about we don't let this ruin this quiet day?". Rose suggested a way to get Jay out of his deep thoughts and which he thought about this. Honestly, it sounded like a good idea but where would the two go? Rose was the one suggesting. Should he be the one suggesting? So many questions today, huh. It was a rainy day so it'd just bring mud if the two demons went hiking.

"I got no ideas, alright. It's a rainy day". He said.

"How about the mall? INDOOR SHOPPING!!". She shouted and the eyes of people passing by looked at her weird again. Jay facepalmed. She really loves to bring attention to herself huh. She grabbed his arm and dragged him to whatever bus stop was close by. Sometimes it was fine to amuse Rose as she's kinda like a child, highly wild and jumping around the place. She even runs away. Like a child running from their parents who are chasing after them in the store. It was fine to humor her at times but not too much.

Jay sat down on the dirty bench, he didn't really like it but he didn't wanna stand all day for an hour waiting for the bus to show. He was sure to wipe the dirt off his pants. He looked down at his outfit, he needed more clothes, these were sure to stink which meant another shower. Rose would call him a clean freak or a germaphobe. Both didn't matter as long as he didn't smell bad. The waiting game sucked, he was about to fall asleep and he did.

Darkness was everywhere when Jay awoke, he was floating and looked around. "Was I in this place before?". He thought but he couldn't remember. Is he gonna float here forever? He was about to get impatient. Jay could feel like something was in here with him, he had a feeling what it was. Couldn't put a finger on it and might as well lay here and wait for it to attack him. All Jay could see was red eyes staring at him in the holes of the outskirts.

There was clearly something in the outskirts of this black void running around, should he face it head on? That was the debate in his head right now. It was watching him, like it was observing him. Why, though? Nothing interesting about someone just laying in the black space. This felt peaceful though, even though the red eyes were watching him. Floating just felt kinda right, like he could fall asleep. Was he already sleeping? He shrugged and looked up, still the same black nothing.

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