Chapter Seven: Chill Day

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It was the next day, Jay was laying on the bed. His body was in so much pain from the fight yesterday. The rushed regeneration caused damage to his body, the force he put into the punch hurt his right arm. So much pain. He thought about something. These past days he'd run away or get his ass kicked. Maybe he didn't have to run away and hold his ground. He thought about that fact hard. Rose was out buying stuff, foods, bandages and other things. He was also concerned about what trouble the small demon could do on her own.

So he had the day to himself. He looked at his arm which was purple and bruised. At least it isn't broken, though the regeneration is going slowly. It was stupid. This whole thing is stupid. He got off the bed and walked towards the window. It wasn't a good view but he wasn't complaining. He just stared. What was there to do? He was home alone. He yawned and stretched. He could watch tv and that's what he did. He sat back on the bed, grabbed the remote and turned it on. He looked through the channels for something entertaining. When he got to the news channel, they were broadcasting something that seemed important.

"The government announced yesterday stating that there will be a squad of some sort that uses some artificial weapons This is a response towards the dragons and creatures that have run rampant this past week". The news anchor said. This was something. "The tryouts started yesterday and will end? No one knows". The news anchor continued talking and giving information. Something caught Jay's eyes though, a red head walking in the news footage. Not the ginger redhead, just red hair. He knows this person, remembers them but he had no clarification.

So he looked through the channels until Rose came home to annoy the ever living shit out of him. In which she did, she was cooking something in the kitchen and cutting some veggies with a Vegetable cleaver. She also just threw insults at him since she loved getting under his skin or annoying Jay which she is doing right now. He really wanted to punch her or throw a weapon at her so much.

"You done insulting me?". He asked, annoyed.

"I don't know, am I". She responded and then laughed. Jay glared. Rose turned around. She was holding a vegetable cleaver.

"You really wanna start? I am holding a weapon". She asked.

"Abusive,". He said.

"I am a great friend,". Rose said dramatically. Jay rolled his eyes.

"Yea really great,". He said sarcastically. After Rose was finished cooking she put something in the oven. It was a cake. She was a good baker. She'd always bake, she loved sweets, chocolate more and since she made the cake she was gonna eat it all. That is how much she loved sweets. She gave Jay a bowl of what she made, which was some steak and potatoes.

"Since I'm staying here, you are expected to cook our own meals". She said.

"Bitch I'm injured!,". He said.

"You can't fucking die,". She smacked his head then jumped on the bed. She took the remote out of his hand and put on some cartoons. Sometimes he'd question why he's friends with her. But he wasn't complaining and started eating by using his left hand. It was a struggle.

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