Chapter 16: The lies

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One day has passed since the fight at the lake. Two guards were escorting Jay and Akuji to the chief's office, holding on to the handcuffs that were holding their wrists together. All the trainees looked at them as they walked in the hallways. Muttering and whispers were heard. Akuji glared at them while Jay wasn't even paying attention to all of this, he seemed out of it. Has been since the fight. His eyes were staring into nowhere and his head was facing the floor, not reacting to anything. The halls of the building had a somewhat futuristic mixed with modern design, tbs plastered into the walls that were a color of green, black and white. There were rooms at every corner. The lights were bright with LED lights. It seemed very lively due to the trainees and the official soldiers running around the place or learning and hearing the doors slide open and close, and the chattering or the noise of orders being given were also heard.

Arriving at the office door, it was a big door with rose designs and the windows were blurry or foggy. One of the guards walked over and knocked on the door, and waited for an answer which they got when a buzzing noise was heard telling them it was ok to walk in. Entering the office, there was the chief sitting at his desk, the office looked very nice. Dark wood walls with gold designs matching it, a huge window behind the desk illuminating the bright day behind, the desk was L shaped with black wood, and a computer on it. Papers were stacked up on the left side of the desk, and various tools like pencils and pens in a cup. There were chairs in front of him. The chief looked at them and greeted them with a warm smile

"Ah the demons. Come sit down". He offered. The guards walked them to the chair and sat them down. Then they walked to stand by the door.

"Why have you arrested us!". Akuji yelled. Anger was fueling him. The chief turned his body to him and closed his hands.

"Is there a reason for you two to be in my custody?". He asked as he grabbed a packet from the stacks of paper and looked at them. "Disturbing the peace? Destroying federal or government property? Depleting water supply? Do those sound like reasons for you two to be in my custody?". He gave the demons a stern look. Akuji clenched his hands.

"It was a fight on the terms of the demon oath,". He replied. This started to intrigue the man.

"Demon oath? A contract where higher demons abuse the lower demons". He stated.

"Demon business doesn't regard human business!". He shouted. This made the chief stand up and slam his hands on the table.

"It does matter because creatures like you have disregard for human life!". He retorted. "Water creatures could deplete the water supply when your so-called gods say so. Fire creatures could burn our cities down when you all are past your limit. You all are uncontrollable and I am here to force that control". His eyes glared with a stern look on his face, he turned to look at Jay who had not said anything during this time.

"It seems your friend cannot think of anything to support your claims,". The chief spoke. Akuji gritted his teeth. "Is there anything else you want to say?". He reached over to the water demon and pulled his hair to make him see eye to eye. Anger was just fueling him, he wanted to punch this man so bad but his hands were tied.

"You're fucking scum of the earth! You should be washed and become dust!". Akuji yelled. This was amusing to the chief though, seeing him get this angry and trying to get out of the handcuffs.

"Take them away,". The guards nodded and lifted both of the demons from their seats and started walking them out of the office and to their containment chamber. Akuji just glared at Jay as they were walked by the guards, his face was mostly filled with disappointment and wondering what's going on in the other demon's head. Arriving at the containment chamber, the guards took off the handcuffs and shoved them into the chamber. Then they activated something so the two couldn't use their abilities. The guards finally left, leaving the demons alone. Out of nowhere, Akuji punched Jay in the face and pinned him to the wall by the collar. The two meet eye to eye.

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