Chapter Five: Harsh

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Ray was sitting in his room at his desk. He had stuff on his mind, he looked down at the piece of paper he was holding. It was the next available bounty. It was a monster terrorizing some people and He couldn't even bother with it. One thing was on his mind: Jay. He wondered how he escaped. So many thoughts ran through his head, mid thought ice started forming at the base of the floor and made its way to the wall.

The door opened and he looked over. It was Alakai looking as strict as ever.

"The demon escaped,". He said. Ray didn't respond.

"You said hell would hold him, why didn't it?". He asked. "Why didn't we put him in a prison?! Hell can't hold him". Alakai sighed in frustration. At this point Ray felt like he couldn't trust him anymore. Why should he?

"Al, what else have you told me about that didn't work?". He asked. "What else is false?".

"Nothing is false, hell is a prison for demons. I don't know how he escaped". Alakai explained. There was just silence and then Alakai left, leaving Ray in his room. There were clearly no answers, and what better question is to ask the demon himself. But where was he? So He got up, put on his jacket and left to look for leads.


Jay was on the roof practicing a new ability, something he picked up from hell. Rose was watching hoping he would fail so she could laugh at him. He took a deep breath and leaped off the building. He hoped a black slime substance in the shape of bones came out of his arm, it was glowing dark red and stuck to the wall. He swung and hit the wall. Rose laughed at him and he rolled eyes in annoyance. Jay used the slime as a zipline and walked up the side of the wall until he reached the roof and climbed on the roof. Rose floated halfway in between the 2 buildings then leaped. She climbed up and jumped on the roof.

"What the fuck was that?!". She said.

"Slime + bones?". He said questioning.

"Sticky bones!". She exclaimed.

"That sounds inappropriate,". Jay said.

"Whatever, so ungrateful!". Rose crossed her arms. Jay rolled his eyes.

"So what are you? Spider-man?". She asked.

"Did I get bit by a spider? No. I just learned this from hell because demons can't fly, only royals". He explained.

"Great way to get around,". Rose said.

"You can float,". He said.

"I'm dead! Floating is different then flying!". She exclaimed. They bickered back and forth about stupid stuff.

"Ya know what? I want to explore this town". He said.

"Ok, how about we go on the train?". Rose suggested and the duo made their way to the train station. They waited for the train to arrive which took 15 minutes. Seeing the people crowded on the platform reminded Jay something. This was always the same, it would never change no matter what. It felt shitty. He put his hands in his pockets and sighed. Rose was looking for a snack stand to steal from. That will never change also, she was still the same Rose from 12 years ago. She just looked different, or did she always look the same. He can't remember.

After 15 minutes of waiting for the train, Jay had a feeling it wasn't gonna come. Then there was a sound of a train approaching. Everyone walked closer. The train arrived. People ran into the train, shoving each other left and right. It pissed Jay off a bit. Rose and Jay were lucky to even get a seat. It started moving to the next destination.

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